ClockSelect / myevic

This is myevic Custom Firmware.
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Battery voltage readings accuracy #287

Open fOmey opened 7 years ago

fOmey commented 7 years ago

It seems that battery voltage isn't very accurate across cells, I've noticed the readings are off..

Currently running my RX 2/3 in dual battery mode: BattVolts[0] = 3.80v BattVolts[1] = 3,67v

Voltage meter however reads both batteries at 3.77v, I am aware of the battery BVO menu.. although I cant help but wonder if their is a way to increase the accuracy by default ?

Also noticed that even after using the BVO menu the wrong voltage reading is still being reported intermittently. I have also noticed as I discharge the batteries the gap of reported voltage grows also.. Although after checking the batteries with a voltage meter they appear to be discharging at the same rate.

Box Model: RX 2/3 Coil setup: 0.16 fused

fOmey commented 7 years ago

Are the BVO menu adjustments being applied to RTBVolts array ?

EDIT: It appears that BVO adjustments are being applied to the RTBVolts array upon further inspection of source.. which is interesting because one of battery's (RTBVolts[1]) appear to be sagging slightly more with three different pairs of Samsung 25R's.

I have also tested switching the battery's around and yet again RTBVolts[1] appears to report it sags slightly more which is interesting..