ClojureBridge / Workshops

A history of ClojureBridge workshops. Issues are used to request website updates for upcoming workshops.
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New ClojureBridge in Charlottesville, VA on 9/12/2020 #101

Open lambduhh opened 4 years ago

lambduhh commented 4 years ago

Event title

ClojureBridge Cville


Locale: VA Venue: 212 E Main St Charlottesville, VA 22902


This workshop is intended for anyone who is interested in learning Clojure- although our intent is to reach out people who self identify as women and other under-represented groups in tech (other individuals may attend as a women’s guest). During the course of this workshop we will introduce functional programming concepts, learn about Clojure's basic data structures and discover some of this lisp-language's most powerful features and built-in functions. By the end of the workshop you should be on your way to solving problems in a functional way and no longer be afraid of parentheses!

Computer Science students, total programming novices, system administrators and developers in other languages are all welcome!

We will meet up Friday night to meet and greet and to install all the software you need. You will need to provide your own computer. (Sometimes people ask if the Friday night installfest is mandatory, and yes, it is! It's a crucial part of the weekend, even if you’ve already gone through the instructions independently. There are a ton of moving parts when setting up a development environment, and the reason that we’re able to get through the curriculum on Saturday is that every single student has had their dev environment checked and has been awarded a sticker for their successes. There are also enough changing parts that even if you’ve been to a workshop in the past, you should attend the Installfest to get re-verified, because this stuff changes almost constantly.)

When you RSVP you'll be asked a few questions about your operating system, level and type of programming experience, and whether you require childcare. Childcare and a private space for pumping is available, just let us know!

Additional Info

ArcheMedX office space is located on the downtown mall above Citizen Burger Bar (paid parking avalible at Market Street Parking Garage)

Event Registration

Organizer details

Name L. Jordan Miller

Sponsors (optional)

Name: Archemedx

@quoll :)