ClojureBridge / Workshops

A history of ClojureBridge workshops. Issues are used to request website updates for upcoming workshops.
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Process addition suggestion for mentor assignment #59

Closed bridgethillyer closed 6 years ago

bridgethillyer commented 7 years ago

Add a Mentor section to the issue template - not to be published, just for board members to see - to close the loop on ensuring that each organizer is assigned a mentor.

davidchambers commented 7 years ago

By "not to be published" do you mean not to be published on the ClojureBridge website?

bridgethillyer commented 7 years ago

Right - separate from the rest of the material in the template that is intended to be published on the CB web site.

davidchambers commented 7 years ago

Should the organizer be assigned a mentor before opening the GitHub issue? The current process allows us to assign a mentor (using the GitHub assignee feature) after the issue has been created. This is flexible, but does mean it's possible for an organizer to be without a mentor (temporarily, at least). I think this is okay provided we review the issues at each monthly board meeting.

davidchambers commented 7 years ago

What action would you like to see taken on this issue, @bridgethillyer?

bridgethillyer commented 7 years ago

No action necessary; it was just a suggestion (ha! looking up I see I even put suggestion in the title :) Feel free to close.