ClojureBridge / Workshops

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ClojureBridge London - March 2019 @ Signal #91

Closed practicalli-johnny closed 5 years ago

practicalli-johnny commented 5 years ago

Event title ClojureBridge London

Location Locale: London, UK

Venue: Signal, London

Description ClojureBridge is a free, beginner-friendly workshop teaching the Clojure programming language, primarily aimed at those who identify as women, transgender & non-binary. ClojureBridge is emphatically queer and trans* friendly.

You’ll learn fundamental programming concepts in Clojure through practical examples and exercises. Teachers and assistants are there to guide you and help you build your first apps in Clojure.

The workshop is open to people who are completely new to programming, through to existing developers new to Clojure. We organise attendees into small groups with at least one teacher and one assistant.

Priority is given to those who identify as women, transgender and/or non-binary. Men may register as a guest of one of these participants.

Additional Info Event Schedule

Friday 1 March, 6.30pm - 9pm: An overview of Clojure, demos and support setting up a Clojure development environment on your laptop.

Saturday 2 March, 10.30am - 5:30pm: we’ll work through the Clojure concepts and carry out coding exercises in small groups.

Its essential to attend the Friday evening session if you wish to attend the workshop the next day. This prevents delays for other attendees during the workshop.

Event Registration

Organizer details Abby Sassel Twitter: GitHub: @sassela John Stevenson Twitter: GitHub: @jr0cket Sponsors (optional) Signal Their logo is at:

sassela commented 5 years ago

Thanks John, have added this at