ClojureBridge / curriculum

Curriculum for the ClojureBridge workshop series.
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Simpler initial map example. #192

Closed brandonbloom closed 8 years ago

brandonbloom commented 8 years ago

More TA-training feedback.

davidchambers commented 8 years ago

Very nice!

yokolet commented 8 years ago

I'm going to merge this pull request, but reluctantly :grinning: I totally agree that name function is not a good choice. But, I'd like to stay away from math-y examples as much as possible. This "avoid math-y" is a request from Portland team. In this case, the second example is more complicated math-y one. The inc would help to understand.

yokolet commented 8 years ago

aw, merging this pr killed prism highlighter. I'll fix the highlighter problem. this is probably because of Jekyll update on github side.

brandonbloom commented 8 years ago

I'd agree about math-y examples, but in this case, I can't think of anything else in core that would work with a clear unary operation on simple literals. Can you?

yokolet commented 8 years ago

@brandonbloom nope, at least for now. so, I merged the pull request :)

btw, highlighter was back. I updated gem versions and config to make out highlighter to work on current github pages.