ClojureBridge / curriculum

Curriculum for the ClojureBridge workshop series.
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Replace LightTable with Nightcode #193

Closed plexus closed 8 years ago

plexus commented 8 years ago

This was all done by @socksy before our previous workshop. I just cherry picked the relevant commits into a branch of their own.

This doesn't include updating the installation instructions, we didn't really use those.


yokolet commented 8 years ago

Thanks @plexus ! Let me see the changes since it is a big pull request.

yokolet commented 8 years ago

@plexus some of instructions, cmd shift + x , didn't work on my nightcode. Boston team's install instruction,, looks good. So, I'll manually merge this pull request, then will switch to repl as much as possible.

Overall, this pull request is a great help. Thanks a lot.

socksy commented 8 years ago

@yokolet The cmd shift + x doesn't work until you press "Run with REPL" iirc. Maybe this is your issue — it was mine even up until the workshop. Kind of annoying to have this stateful interaction in the GUI, especially for newcomers. I thought I documented this somewhere, but it seems not.

yokolet commented 8 years ago

Just merged as is. If there's a claim or problem, we will fix later.

Thanks for the pull request!

davidchambers commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry for dropping the ball here. Running Nightcode 1.2.1 on OS X 10.11.5, I have to press X or click "Run with REPL" before evaluating anything. I'm then able to press E to evaluate the selected expression (this can alternatively be achieved by clicking "Eval Selection").

Rather than introduce two shortcuts, I suggest we instruct students to click "Run with REPL", then introduce the E shortcut. I'll submit a pull request for this change.

davidchambers commented 8 years ago

I'll submit a pull request for this change.