ClojureBridge / drawing

Experimental capstone app for ClojureBridge curriculum using Quil
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What is "dependencies"? #5

Closed seancorfield closed 3 years ago

seancorfield commented 10 years ago

In the "Making Your First Program" page we say:

It helps Leiningen answer questions like, "What dependencies does this project have?"

but I don't think we've explained anywhere what we mean by this piece of jargon. Beneath that we say:

This uses a Clojure library, Quil, that creates drawings called sketches.

Maybe instead of "dependencies" we should say:

It helps Leiningen answer questions like, "What libraries does this project need?"
seancorfield commented 10 years ago

Ah, reading on I see we explain Dependencies further down. Probably still worth rewording the first mention of dependencies tho'?

I wonder if we can think up a less jargon-y way to explain Leiningen's :dependencies...?

seancorfield commented 10 years ago

On the subject of dependencies, we talk about adding a new dependency to project.clj and about :require but we don't mention that LightTable needs to have the connection disconnected and the code re-evaluated to cause that new dependency to be fetched if you modify project.clj.

For this first program, Quil is already in project.clj and we're not actually changing the :dependencies but if they create a new project and then add Quil, after working in LightTable, that might completely stump them.

I'm not sure whether adding a note about this inline would be distracting rather than helpful or whether this would be better as a "footnote" at the bottom of that page?

bridgethillyer commented 10 years ago

All excellent points, @seancorfield. Exactly the kind of stuff we need to look out for. I'll reread the whole thing with these in mind and see what I can do.