Clooney82 / MavLink_FrSkySPort

This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow the link to athertop.
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include a user defined function- Enhacement #42

Closed gnkarn closed 8 years ago

gnkarn commented 8 years ago

in order to make the code transparent to accommodate a user defined function without the need to include it on the main code , it could be of great help to add into the main LOOP , a user_definedFunction() ; line of code . and also include a void user_definedFuncition{} ; separate file for the user to complete ( if needed)

Clooney82 commented 8 years ago

Hi, in my opinion, this is not needed. Cause main loop is only about 30lines of code (Line 376 - 408). It should be easy for all people who has some knowledge of programming in arduino.

Maybe the other devs has a other opinion.

I hope you can understand my view.

lvale commented 8 years ago

I agree with @Clooney82 The script code initially was (and still is) divided in functional modules (GPS Panel / Top Panel, etc) so that these could be removed if needed or replaced with better or other options. The main loop is a result of that approach and can easily be extended.

Take in consideration that there are severe restrictions of what the script can execute.

gnkarn commented 8 years ago

Let me defend my proposal . In my case I have added a front flash led with a simple coded blinking pattern . It would be useful to be able to update the code without the need to modify anything on the main code.

By just adding a user function in the main loop and a user setup on the setup.code .

The cost for this is cero. And does not involve Lua scripting.


lvale commented 8 years ago

You'll always have to recompile the code, but you do already have a feature that does what you want.

Just use the current file

to do what you want.

gnkarn commented 8 years ago

Never mind . It was to provide a way for othera to include their own functions easily . I'm developing my own code . I m very interested on the code you guys developed . I have being using also fastled for a year now , and in my case the led I have added is a regular high power led connected to an analog output and I'm using fasted functions to manage it .

I would share it but don't know how to do it on git. Thanks

lvale commented 8 years ago

@gnkarn No problem. If you think it might be useful for others, it can either be pushed to the main branch or create a new branch. I'm sure that @Clooney82 won't mind if you send him a zip file with the code so that he could do it.