Clooos / Bubble-Card

Bubble Card is a minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch.
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Fully Kiosk plus trouble #535

Closed kisjeth closed 1 month ago

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

As you can see from the attached photos when I press a button to invoke a pop-up it completely reloads the entire page. This problem does not occur when I use the companion app.This is the plus version of Fullykiosk 17167218460391127146997477282951 17167218656806400232639856585041 17167218851775482774795393722909

Clooos commented 1 month ago

Hi, can you tell me what Bubble Card version you have installed?

kisjeth commented 1 month ago


Clooos commented 1 month ago

Can you try the latest beta? This issue should be fixed on it and this is the candidate for the stable v2.0.0 release.

You can get it by going to HACS > Front end > Bubble Card. Then click the 3 dots on the top right corner then redownload. Toggle on "Show beta versions".

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

I tried beta11 but it doesn't work there.

Clooos commented 1 month ago

Are you sure that your cache was fully cleared?

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

Yes. I also force-closed the application and restarted it. Always the same.

Clooos commented 1 month ago

Just to be sure, have you checked in the editor if it shows the right version number?

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

Screenshot_2024-05-27-19-49-35-394-edit_io homeassistant companion android

Clooos commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the confirmation, my guess is that this is some kind of incompatibility with Fully Kiosk, maybe some card you put inside some pop-ups?

I've tried my full Bubble Card dashboard on Fully Kiosk Browser and I have no issue at all.

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

As long as I used the horizontal stack there were no problems. Now I actually invoke pop-ups via buttons that activate vertical stacks via URL.Surely this is the problem. I don't know if you had foreseen this possibility in the code

Clooos commented 1 month ago

I understand now, this issue seems related to this one:

Edit: Maybe not, I've read your comment too fast.

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

No, it's not referring to that error.I basically created many vertical stacks, which are invisible, and to invoke them I press a button which, instead of taking me back to the default action, connects to a URL (#xxxx)

Clooos commented 1 month ago

This is really strange, this should works. What card do you use to trigger the pop-ups?

And also have you tried triggering them with the Bubble buttons if it's not already the case?

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

I used the tile card. Later I'll try to change the card and use a basic one, and see how it behaves.

This is the card configuration:

type: tile
color: accent
show_entity_picture: false
vertical: true
hide_state: false
entity: sensor.camera_nostra_temperature
name: Camera nostra
  action: url
  url_path: '#camera_nostra'
  action: url
  url_path: '#camera_nostra'
icon: mdi:bed-double
Clooos commented 1 month ago

The weirdest thing is that you said that it was working with the horizontal buttons stack. I guess that there is no reasons that the tile card is causing this.

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

I know, it's the same thing I tell myself. Because it doesn't make sense that it works one way and not another, when the process behind it is the same.


Nothing to do, I confirm that with the canonical method, the horizontal stack, everything works perfectly. I do not know what to tell you. The only thing I can think of is that the method of invoking the popup isn't really the same. Your method doesn't call a URL like the button does as I configure it.

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

So, I installed an alternative kiosk version that allowed me to record the difference between the two triggers: when I press the horizontal stack button the popup opens normally, but when I try to recall it with the alternative button as you see above in the red circle, it opens a new page.

Clooos commented 1 month ago

I've found what is causing that, you need to use action: navigate and not action: url.

That should fixed your issue 🙂

kisjeth commented 1 month ago

Mythical! Works!

Tnks a lot

Clooos commented 1 month ago

You're welcome! 😃