Clooos / Bubble-Card

Bubble Card is a minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch.
MIT License
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Please add popup height support #603

Open dos1973 opened 6 days ago

dos1973 commented 6 days ago

Hi, love bubble cards.

im running my dashboard on an apple ipad in vertical Mode.

if i run a pop up with only less information inside - the displayed popup is using the full height of the ipad. On my mobile this looks good, but on tablet, i personal dont like it, especially when the iPad is in vertical, the popup becomes very height.

would love to have the possibility to adjust the height of the displayed popup.

Hopefully you understand what i mean.

thanks in advance.

btw. kudos for this great documentation of all this features!!!

Clooos commented 6 days ago

Hi, this is already possible, you can add this in YAML (or in the editor).

To change the size only on mobile/tablet:

margin_top_mobile: calc(100vh - 400px)

Just change 400px to the size you need. If you want to adjust the size for desktop/larger screen you can do the same with margin_top_desktop.

I hope this help.

dos1973 commented 6 days ago

big Thanks for the hint will definitiv helps. Will try it out tonight!

edit: Just have try it on my mobile, this works, but the popop is sticked to the bottom.

on ipad in vertical mode, this will be shown total down on the screen. Ist there s way to cut the height only. Stick in the original position but with lower height.

i tried „margin_bottom_mobile“ But nothing happens.

Clooos commented 6 days ago

I'm not sure to understand, could you maybe draw something to explain exactly what you want?

dos1973 commented 6 days ago

Will share a screenshot later today

dos1973 commented 5 days ago


Hopefully this explains what i would like to have.

On mobile its perfect, but on large screens, i would like to have it starts higher from the top.

Clooos commented 5 days ago

Ok I understand now, you are in luck because this is a feature that I'm currently working on. I just don't know when I will be able to release this new version.

dos1973 commented 5 days ago

Great to hear this, to be the lucky guy 👍 Whenever you have time for implementation , im happy to test

Thanks for your immediate feedback!!