ClosedXML / ClosedXML.Report

ClosedXML.Report is a tool for report generation with which you can easily export any data from your .NET classes to Excel using a XLSX-template.
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Merged cells below nested range not handled properly, corrupting layout and causing Excel errors #312

Open The-MAZZTer opened 1 year ago

The-MAZZTer commented 1 year ago

When using merged cells below a nested range but inside the outer range (not sure if it affects merged cells below any range), the merged cell definitions are not moved down as rows are added to the nested vertical table. This causes the merged cell definitions to reference the wrong rows and Excel will report their data as corrupt.

For reference both my ranges were vertical tables.

Pankraty commented 10 months ago

I will appreciate if you attach a template and provide some reproduction code so I could investigate the issue.