ClosedXML / ClosedXML.Report

ClosedXML.Report is a tool for report generation with which you can easily export any data from your .NET classes to Excel using a XLSX-template.
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Question : how do i get a horizontal table to grow verticaly and horizontaly #334

Open nemanja3 opened 7 months ago

nemanja3 commented 7 months ago

Hello, i have been reading the documentation and i have seen that in the horizontal tables section there is a range named PlanData_Hours that in the example expands also verticaly and horizontaly : image

We are ussing ClosedXML.Report as a package in our framework where we input a JSON structure. Now i have tried to make a simple horizontal table which ofc is type array for example ["1","2","3"] and in the excel the table grows horizontaly as in the documentation but how would the structure look like for me to expand the table verticaly and horizontaly as in the example for PlanData_Hours range? Because i have tried everything from arrays to array of objects and i dont know what and it never works for me or is it maybe some additional property added to the PlanData_Hours range? The documentation for horizontal tables is really thin so thats why i am asking so much. Please if someone can help me with this would really appreciate it ! Thank you