ClosureTree / closure_tree

Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies
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Regression in combination with paper_trail gem #395

Open AmShaegar13 opened 2 years ago

AmShaegar13 commented 2 years ago


Recent changes introduced in v7.4.0 led to a regression in combination with paper_trail. Specifically, this change:

-      hierarchy_class = parent_class.const_set(short_hierarchy_class_name,
+      hierarchy_class = parent_class.const_set(short_hierarchy_class_name,


We need to track changes to each of our models. For this, we use paper_trail in a base model which is then inherited from. Prior to this change, the ModelHierarchy models did not inherit from our base class. Now they do. This activates paper_trail in the ModelHierarchy models which does not work because paper_trail needs a primary key column. The resulting error when creating a new instance of Model is:

ActiveRecord::UnknownPrimaryKey (Unknown primary key for table node_hierarchies in model NodeHierarchy.)

I worked around this by activating paper_trail conditionally only.

# Check if class has a name. Otherwise it is probably a Hierarchy model of closure_tree.
if name.present?

However, I wonder if you would like to add an option to use the desired base model with superclassbeing the default. Like:

has_closure_tree hierarchy_base_class: 'ActiveRecord::Base'

Maybe one could even add this globally to the initializer.

Steps to reproduce

I created a simple rails application to demonstrate the problem: Demo App ApplicationRecord (with paper_trail) Node < ApplicationRecord (with closure_tree)

  1. Setup MySQL database in database.yml
  2. rails db:migrate
  3. rails c
  4. Node.create!(name: 'Foo')
  5. ActiveRecord::UnknownPrimaryKey (Unknown primary key for table node_hierarchies in model NodeHierarchy.)

Laykou commented 2 years ago

This seems like a great idea to be able to customize the base class

joshforbes commented 1 year ago

Similar problem here except with a MultiTenant gem. Basically my group hierarchies now also need a column for the tenant id. It's not a huge deal (I can add that column) but it is a breaking change.

AmShaegar13 commented 3 months ago

New project, same problem. Found my old issue here because I had the same problem again. ClosureTree is not compatible with ActsAsTenant because it uses raw SQL here. I need hierarchy_class to inherit from ActiveRecord::Base in this case to ignore multi tenancy in Hierarchy classes.

seuros commented 2 months ago

@AmShaegar13 what versions do you use ?

I have a full rewrite incoming, it will support only 7.x for now.

AmShaegar13 commented 2 months ago
acts_as_tenant (1.0.1)
closure_tree (7.4.0)
rails (

The current workaround is to use acts_as_tenant :account in each model instead of ApplicationRecord. Which works, but you could forget about that when adding new models. That's why I intended it to be inherited from ApplicationModel.