Clotho / Clotho-Core
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Porting to webbased UI #1

Open AdmiralOOM opened 11 years ago

AdmiralOOM commented 11 years ago

Hi. I would like to use this software @ (A open source community)

Is it possible to use this purely web based solution. So that the end-user don't have to download anything?

Best regards Roar

jenhantao commented 11 years ago

The next iteration of Clotho will have a web based implementation. Keep your eyes open for Clotho 3.0 which is in active development.

swapnilb commented 11 years ago

How would you like to use it? And what is youblob?

AdmiralOOM commented 11 years ago

My goal is so that the end user can become a hobby engineer more easily, based on OpenSource. Anyway, while browsing through open source code I came across Clotho. And thought to myself, hmm Biology could also be easily implemented, they probably have the same issue as the programmers do, in the aspect that you have to spend alot of time googling through lots of different forums and news feeds to get a grasp of the useful information.

As I'm maybe "Just another site", I belive that doing an effort and trying to combine all the different aspects from the engineering world to one place would be beneficial to alot of the world community. Since its not just about the electronics and programming. The grasp of information will extend beyond that, take f.ex magnetism/Aerogel/molding/welding/mechanical etc. (not many of the geeks would know how to weld Aluminium per say, or build a maglev train)

It will also integrate learning levels, from kids (LEGO Education ...maybe, I've sent them an e-mail asking why they charge for their dev. tools, and if I could use them for free :D ) to expert projects (Arduino hacks etc.) And being a location to browse for world events (World Robot Olympiad / FIRST Robotics Competition / NASA / MIT / school events etc). I hope School teachers sees this as a good opportunity to f.ex start with 3D printing projects, they only need one, and replicate new ones from the first. Cost effective and highly educational.

The site will be free, and with no commercials. And I will only use/link up to software that is free/open source.

The user will be able to create and share ideas. Everything from electronic blueprints, 3D prints, CNC designs, programming. I've implemented tools like task manager, project groups (Feng Office), webinars and chat (BigBlueButton) etc. and the site is starting to look very good. But as I am doing this in my spare time between my ordinary work and diaper changes it takes a bit longer time to develop than expected hehe.

"Start by doing what is neccessary; Then do whats possible; and suddenly you're doing the impossible"

AdmiralOOM commented 11 years ago

How is Clotho 3.0 coming along? Thought I would poke a bit for an update :)