Clothooo / lvt2calib

A unified calibration for 3D LiDARs, visual cameras and thermal cameras
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Problems after MAX_FRAME REACHED #10

Open SuxRumpf opened 4 months ago

SuxRumpf commented 4 months ago

Hello, after 2 or 3 positions the software prints MAX_FRAME REACHED and simply stops. There is no error or warning message. Unfortunately is the result after 2 or 3 positions not precise enough. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here. I am using the ubuntu 20.04/noetic version.

Clothooo commented 4 months ago

Hello, woudl you mind giving me more info or screenshots about it?

SuxRumpf commented 4 months ago

ok sry my post was misleading. I tried a couple things and recorded rosbags. It seems that the program always stops with specific rosbags. It doesn't really breaks. the 2 terminal windows still show that circles in the image and the board itself in the cloud is still found, but nothing happens in the main window. In my cases it always happens after MAX_FRAME of rgb reached. With the rosbag it always breaks at " [livox_horizon: x/60 rgb: 60/60] ". I didn't look in your code so I don't have any idea what can cause this Screenshot from 2024-03-05 10-44-07

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and therefore ros noetic with your latest noetic version. Furthermore i am using a livox horizon and a rgb cam.

I hope this helps

Clothooo commented 4 months ago

From your screenshot, the 'laser_pattern', 'camera_pattern', and 'pattern_collection' were still working properly. 'pattern_collection' will always wait for the frame number of the features from livox reaching 60. In this picture, it was only 13, far from 60. Sorry, I'm not sure what your 'break' means. Could you give me more details?

SuxRumpf commented 4 months ago

the pattern_collection stops. there is no error or warning it just stops. i could send the rosbag maybe you can reproduce the error. It freezes and never reaches the query asking the user if they want to continue.

Clothooo commented 4 months ago

Yeah, it would be better if you can share the rosbag with us. In additon, only the 'pattern_collection' freezes? How about the 'laser_pattern'?

SuxRumpf commented 3 months ago

ok where should i submit you the bag ? i cannot submit the bag here. its to big

Clothooo commented 3 months ago

Could you use Google Drive or OneDrive?

SuxRumpf commented 3 months ago

this is the rosbag in OneDrive

Clothooo commented 3 months ago

Hello, thank you for your sharing. I tested your data and your issue didn't occur on my platform. Our algorithm is not very fast, so it will take some time to wait for the 'pattern_collection’. As long as the 'laser_pattern' doesn't stop, our algorithm is still trying to calculate and run. (Because the camera intrinsic wasn't provided, I just ran using your lidar data as shown in this figure.) image

SuxRumpf commented 3 months ago

ok very strange. I will try it on a different device too. but thanks for your time