Clothooo / lvt2calib

A unified calibration for 3D LiDARs, visual cameras and thermal cameras
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Process died on os1_32_pattern #13

Closed chandroidx closed 3 months ago

chandroidx commented 3 months ago

[os1_32/laser_pattern-1] process has died [pid 55937, exit code -11, cmd /home/chandroidx/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lvt2calib/ouster_pattern ~cloud_laser:=/ouster/points __name:=laser_pattern __log:=/home/chandroidx/.ros/log/f296362a-e67b-11ee-80c1-b3f7544c7ef2/os1_32-laser_pattern-1.log]. log file: /home/chandroidx/.ros/log/f296362a-e67b-11ee-80c1-b3f7544c7ef2/os1_32-laser_pattern-1*.log

it seems occurs on

// AutoDetectLaser.h
plane_segmentation.segment (*inliers, *coefficients);
chandroidx commented 3 months ago

And short bag here :)

Clothooo commented 3 months ago

Hi Yechan, you can update the code to our newest version and try again. I hope there will be no bug for the calibration board detection. However, I noticed that in your provided bag, there were always no points on the background of the circle holes, as shown in the red circle part of this figure. It will cause the failure of circle detection. You'd better adjust the calibration environment. Blank diagram - Page 1

chandroidx commented 3 months ago

I know that there might be difficulty in recognizing circle over there. It's just an error occurring even before recognition begins.

I tried with newest version again. Process isn't dead but doesn't recognized calib board 😢

chandroidx commented 3 months ago

I tried reconfigure, but didn't work

Is there any possible way?

Clothooo commented 3 months ago

Hi Yechan, you can try reconfiguring again. Here are the parameters I adjusted and succeeded in board detection. Blank diagram - Page 1

chandroidx commented 3 months ago

I'm really appreciate for your effort :)