Thank you for the great work. I am hoping to use this code on logged bags to perform calibration offline. I am using ubuntu 22.04 with docker. I was testing using the provided livox_rgb_thermal rosbag.
I have a terminal with ros noetic docker and rosplay the bag in loop
In another terminal, I ran the lvt2calib docker image. I was able to get the pattern detection working with rgb and lidar data. However, I can't get thermal data to work.
... logging to /root/.ros/log/3e57be24-9e11-11ef-8d73-644bf02b1d49/roslaunch-tuan-laptop-4146.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
RLException: unused args [cam_info_dir] for include of [/home/catkin_ws/src/lvt2calib/launch/camera/cam_pattern.launch]
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Can you guide me to what might be causing this problem?
Thank you for the great work. I am hoping to use this code on logged bags to perform calibration offline. I am using ubuntu 22.04 with docker. I was testing using the provided livox_rgb_thermal rosbag.
I have a terminal with ros noetic docker and rosplay the bag in loop
In another terminal, I ran the lvt2calib docker image. I was able to get the pattern detection working with rgb and lidar data. However, I can't get thermal data to work.
This is the command I run in the lvt2calib docker
which result in this error
Can you guide me to what might be causing this problem?