Closed LogicNode closed 6 years ago
In the example you execute a readDiscreteInputs request and no ReadHoldingRegisters request.
Sorry for that! even with readHoldingRegisters(1,1)
i have the same error
Have you tried connecting to the Device without using the modbus lib. Something like minicom etc. to see if a connection can be established?
I have tried that with Modpoll 3.4 Master Modbus app and data was successfully returned from the PLC controller/Salve Device.
i noticed also that the USB-RS 485 converter TX/RX was not blinking during readHoldingRegisters.js
Do you use Linux? The serialport has some issues when used with Linux.
I am using Windows 10.
Can you enable the log output (by setting the DEBUG environment variable to *) and post the output?
excuse me for the question, where should i place DEBUG line and how the line is written like
debug: *;
thanks :)
Just start your application like this DEBUG=* node yourscript.js
I am not using windows 10 a lot, so thats all I can give you
i have executed this: node inspect readholdingregisters.js output generated: `< Debugger listening on ws:// < For help see Break on start in readholdingregisters.js:1
1 (function (exports, require, module, filename, dirname) { let modbus = require('jsmodbus') 2 let SerialPort = require('serialport') 3 let socket = new SerialPort('COM6', {`
That's the debugger, not what I meant. I need to take a look at the debugging messages generated by jsmodbus. See the link above on how to set environment variables for Windows 10 and set the DEBUG Variable to * and post the console output.
log generated:
serialport:binding:auto-detect loading WindowsBinding +0ms serialport:main opening path: COM6 +0ms serialport:bindings open +0ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +0ms serialport:main opened path: COM6 +203ms opened modbus-client issuing new read holding registers request +0ms rtu-client-request-handler registrating new request +0ms user-request creating new user request with timeout 5000 +0ms client-request-handler flushing +0ms client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 00 00 01 c0 a1> +0ms serialport:main _write 8 bytes of data +16ms serialport:bindings write 8 bytes +219ms serialport:main _read reading +15ms serialport:bindings read +15ms serialport:main binding.write write finished +0ms client-request-handler request fully flushed, ( error: undefined ) undefined +15ms client-request-handler flushing +5s client-request-handler no request to be executed +0ms { '0': { err: 'Timeout', message: 'Request timed out' } } serialport:main #close +5s serialport:bindings close +5s serialport:main error { Error: Reading from COM port (ReadIOCompletion): Operation aborted canceled: true } +0ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +0ms serialport:main binding.close finished +62ms { '0': null }
serialport:main #close +5s serialport:bindings close +5s serialport:main error { Error: Reading from COM port (ReadIOCompletion): Operation aborted canceled: true } +0ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +0ms serialport:main binding.close finished +62ms
Seems like everything is fine to me except the part i quoted. Open up a issue on the serialport module an see what they have to say. I'll examin the
client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 00 00 01 c0 a1> +0ms
part and see if everything is fine. Maybe the Modbus Master just didn't feel responsible because of a missmatched packet or wrong unit id.
Thanks stefanpoeter, i opened the issue in Serialport module page and still waiting for an answer.
client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 00 00 01 c0 a1> +0ms
From this I would say you are sending the packet to a unit with id 1. The request is a read holding request with offset zero and count 1. Is this correct?
Yes, i'm trying to read from only one Register ,address: 40001
If the offset or count is wrong then you would get an exception response. Have you checked the unit id on the device? It must be 1!
Yes the ID is 1, Modbus settings are as below:
Mhhh, checked the crc, it is ok as well. Last thing I can think of is the endiannes, can you check that on the device?
The device does not have any options for data formatting, so the error is in binding data to serial port? right! i will keep trying and may change the USB-to-RS485 converter and see if it works out!
Is there some mentioning in the documentation of your device wheather it is a big or little endian device?
I have searched the documentation, it is not mentioning endian type.
I've used Logic Analyzer to sniff binary on TX,RX between RS-485 converter terminals and the RTU gateway, screenshots of capture:
The data transfered are not represented in session 1. That should be <01 03 00 00 00 01 c0 a1> but for some reason there are missing some bytes.
Can you instantiate a serialport and write some values to the serialport socket like this:
See if you get the same results. This way we can rule our jsmodbus as a the source of the error.
with this
socket.on('open', function () { console.log('opened'); socket.write(Buffer.from([0x01,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xc0,0xa1])) })
i got
F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0>node readholdingregisters
serialport:binding:auto-detect loading WindowsBinding +0ms
serialport:main opening path: COM5 +0ms
serialport:bindings open +0ms
serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +4ms
serialport:main opened path: COM5 +90ms
serialport:main _write 8 bytes of data +3ms
serialport:bindings write 8 bytes +97ms
serialport:main _read reading +1ms
serialport:bindings read +1ms
serialport:main binding.write write finished +2ms
Can you wait for some data on the socket an print it to the console? Also sniff the data with the tools u used above.
Buffer writing test 2:
Response Err after aprox 27 seconds on
I think the sniffing tool is misinterpreting your request.
First there is the start address following the register count, but that does not explain why there isn't a response from the slave. Can you issue the same request with a working modbus client so that I can recheck the crc?
Yes you are right but, The polling was successful using the same Buffer polled by working Mod-bus client:
socket.on('open', function () { console.log('opened'); socket.write(Buffer.from([0x01,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x84,0x0a])) })
Then I need to replace the crc module. I am on holiday till next Tuesday, then I will see what I can do. Feel free to make a pull request in the meantime.
i really appreciate your efforts Stefan,thank you.
I did a quick test and it seems that the slave id needs to be part of the crc buffer. So a fix should be very quick and easy.
I couldn't resist. Made a new branch from my smartphone. Checkout v3.0.1_dev and see if it works now.
Great job! but i couldn't find version jsmodbus@3.0.1_dev
You need to check it out from the repo. It is not published yet.
Now the buffer is good except the crc two hex digits should be swapped as the previous successful request: Buffer sniffed using Sigrok Pulseview + Saleae Logic Analyzer
Current Buffer Debug for version 3.0.1_dev
client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 00 00 01 0a 84> +4ms
try again, i made an update.
Output: serialport:binding:auto-detect loading WindowsBinding +0ms serialport:main opening path: COM5 +0ms serialport:bindings open +0ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +5ms serialport:main opened path: COM5 +89ms opened modbus-client issuing new read holding registers request +0ms rtu-client-request-handler registrating new request +0ms user-request creating new user request with timeout 5000 +0ms client-request-handler flushing +0ms client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 00 00 00> +2ms serialport:main _write 3 bytes of data +9ms serialport:bindings write 3 bytes +102ms serialport:main _read reading +3ms serialport:bindings read +3ms serialport:main binding.write write finished +4ms client-request-handler request fully flushed, ( error: undefined ) undefined +10ms client-request-handler flushing +5s client-request-handler no request to be executed +1ms { '0': { err: 'Timeout', message: 'Request timed out' } } serialport:main #close +5s serialport:bindings close +5s serialport:main error { Error: Reading from COM port (ReadIOCompletion): Operation aborted canceled: true } +2ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +2ms serialport:main binding.close finished +35ms { '0': null }
Confused Buffer.list with Buffer.concat. Musst be the sea in front of me :-) try again.
got this serialport:binding:auto-detect loading WindowsBinding +0ms serialport:main opening path: COM5 +0ms serialport:bindings open +0ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +2ms serialport:main opened path: COM5 +87ms opened modbus-client issuing new read holding registers request +0ms rtu-client-request-handler registrating new request +0ms user-request creating new user request with timeout 5000 +0ms client-request-handler flushing +0ms client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 01 00 01 d5 ca> +2ms serialport:main _write 8 bytes of data +10ms serialport:bindings write 8 bytes +99ms serialport:main _read reading +4ms serialport:bindings read +3ms serialport:main binding.write write finished +2ms client-request-handler request fully flushed, ( error: undefined ) undefined +8ms serialport:main finished +28ms modbus-client received data +42ms rtu-response-handler receiving new data +0ms rtu-response-handler buffer <Buffer 01> +2ms rtu-response address 1 buffer <Buffer 01> +0ms response-factory when NoSuchIndex Exception, the buffer does not contain a complete message +0ms response-factory RangeError: Index out of range response-factory at checkOffset (buffer.js:977:11) response-factory at Buffer.readUInt8 (buffer.js:1015:5) response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\response\response-factory.js:19:23) response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-response.js:14:32) response-factory at ModbusRTUClientResponseHandler.handleData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-client-response-handler.js:17:40) response-factory at ModbusRTUClient._onData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\modbus-client.js:37:27) response-factory at emitOne (events.js:121:20) response-factory at SerialPort.emit (events.js:211:7) response-factory at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12) response-factory at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11) +1ms rtu-response-handler not enough data available to parse +4ms { '0': <Buffer 01> } serialport:main _read reading +11ms serialport:bindings read +43ms serialport:main finished +6ms modbus-client received data +15ms rtu-response-handler receiving new data +8ms rtu-response-handler buffer <Buffer 01 03 02 00 32 39 91> +1ms rtu-response address 1 buffer <Buffer 01 03 02 00 32 39 91> +13ms response-factory fc 3 payload <Buffer 03 02 00 32 39 91> +11ms rtu-response-handler crc 259 +2ms rtu-response-handler reset buffer from 7 to 1 +0ms rtu-response address 145 buffer <Buffer 91> +2ms response-factory when NoSuchIndex Exception, the buffer does not contain a complete message +3ms response-factory RangeError: Index out of range response-factory at checkOffset (buffer.js:977:11) response-factory at Buffer.readUInt8 (buffer.js:1015:5) response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\response\response-factory.js:19:23) response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-response.js:14:32) response-factory at ModbusRTUClientResponseHandler.handleData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-client-response-handler.js:17:40) response-factory at ModbusRTUClient._onData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\modbus-client.js:37:27) response-factory at emitOne (events.js:121:20) response-factory at SerialPort.emit (events.js:211:7) response-factory at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12) response-factory at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11) +2ms rtu-response-handler not enough data available to parse +4ms rtu-client-request-handler new response coming in +65ms rtu-client-request-handler create crc from response +1ms rtu-client-request-handler CRC does not match 259 !== 34049 +1ms { '0': <Buffer 03 02 00 32 39 91> } serialport:main _read reading +12ms serialport:bindings read +20ms { '0': { err: 'crcMismatch', message: 'the response payload does not match the crc' } } serialport:main #close +9ms serialport:bindings close +6ms serialport:main error { Error: Reading from COM port (ReadIOCompletion): Operation aborted canceled: true } +1ms serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +1ms serialport:main binding.close finished +36ms { '0': null }
well that looks promising. Seems like your device is answering, slowly but still. Problem now is, the crc from the response is checked wrong, probably for the same reasons the requests crc was wrong. I'll prepare another commit soon.
Try again. The tests fail but I think it could work.
Test failed.
That's not a problem. I'll fix it later. You can still use it.
Did it work?
No, it is not working :(
I made a small patch on the holding register response. Can update your clone and post the debug messages once again?
F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0>node hhr
serialport:binding:auto-detect loading WindowsBinding +0ms
serialport:main opening path: COM6 +0ms
serialport:bindings open +0ms
serialport:main _read queueing _read for after open +3ms
serialport:main opened path: COM6 +85ms
modbus-client issuing new read holding registers request +0ms
rtu-client-request-handler registrating new request +0ms
user-request creating new user request with timeout 5000 +0ms
client-request-handler flushing +0ms
client-request-handler flushing new request <Buffer 01 03 00 00 00 01 84 0a> +1ms
serialport:main _write 8 bytes of data +9ms
serialport:bindings write 8 bytes +98ms
serialport:main _read reading +4ms
serialport:bindings read +1ms
serialport:main binding.write write finished +1ms
client-request-handler request fully flushed, ( error: undefined ) undefined +7ms
serialport:main finished +32ms
modbus-client received data +43ms
rtu-response-handler receiving new data +0ms
rtu-response-handler buffer <Buffer 01> +1ms
rtu-response address 1 buffer <Buffer 01> +0ms
response-factory when NoSuchIndex Exception, the buffer does not contain a complete message +0ms
response-factory RangeError: Index out of range
response-factory at checkOffset (buffer.js:977:11)
response-factory at Buffer.readUInt8 (buffer.js:1015:5)
response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\response\response-factory.js:19:23)
response-factory at Function.fromBuffer (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-response.js:14:32)
response-factory at ModbusRTUClientResponseHandler.handleData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\rtu-client-response-handler.js:17:40)
response-factory at ModbusRTUClient._onData (F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\modbus-client.js:37:27)
response-factory at emitOne (events.js:121:20)
response-factory at SerialPort.emit (events.js:211:7)
response-factory at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
response-factory at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11) +1ms
rtu-response-handler not enough data available to parse +4ms
{ '0': <Buffer 01> }
serialport:main _read reading +13ms
serialport:bindings read +46ms
serialport:main finished +1ms
modbus-client received data +13ms
rtu-response-handler receiving new data +9ms
rtu-response-handler buffer <Buffer 01 03 02 13 88 b5 12> +0ms
rtu-response address 1 buffer <Buffer 01 03 02 13 88 b5 12> +13ms
response-factory fc 3 payload <Buffer 03 02 13 88 b5 12> +12ms
rtu-response-handler crc 769 +2ms
rtu-response-handler reset buffer from 7 to 0 +0ms
rtu-response-handler not enough data available to parse +1ms
rtu-client-request-handler new response coming in +59ms
rtu-client-request-handler create crc from response +1ms
(node:1436) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: "value" argument is out of bounds
at checkInt (buffer.js:1185:11)
at Buffer.writeUInt8 (buffer.js:1233:5)
at F:\ocnplcx\nodeapps0\node_modules\jsmodbus\src\response\read-holding-registers.js:87:15
at Array.forEach (
I think it is okay as the value polled correctly value of Register 30001 is '5000' in decimal but the values need to be printed out in console.log! Request of the above debug:
Great news. I'll prepare a complete patch next week.
Without knowing your code I think the attribute valueAsBuffer is what you are looking for.
Hello, I am having an issue trying to connect to salve device through Modbus RTU with ReadHoldingRegisters.js using the code below, I am getting the error: { '0': { err: 'Timeout', message: 'Request timed out' } } { '0': null }
Could you help please? thanks in advance!