Cloud-Automation / node-modbus

Modbus TCP Client/Server implementation for Node.JS
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Jsmodbus? Modbus TCP Server Errors? #331

Closed maufc closed 8 months ago

maufc commented 8 months ago

Hi. I'm a little confused about the name of this repo and I found a couple of errors in TCP Server maybe already overcome. I am using node 18.x and had install jsmodbus, the library I though this repo was of. This repo is refered as jsmodbus in npm web: But it is name as node-modbus. When I try to install node-modbus, it says it is only compatible with node 6.x and 8.x so I couldn't try my script with it. Something about the error found is described here: readHoldingRegisters can't be called but prereadHoldingRegisters and postreadHoldingRegisters can. When using postwritemultipleregister, it seems like it executes twice as not matter where you make the request from, a console message shows twice. I thing not make people uses the server option, maybe this simple errors not a big issue. Thanks so much! Regards!

My code is as simple as this:

const modbus = require('jsmodbus')
const netServer = new net.Server()
const holding = Buffer.alloc(80)
const server = new modbus.server.TCP(netServer, {
  holding: holding

server.on('connection', function (client) {
  console.log('New Connection')

server.on('postReadHoldingRegisters', function (request, response) {
  console.log("Sent... "+server.holding.toString("hex"));


server.on('postWriteMultipleRegisters', function (value) {
  console.log('Registers Wrote!"))

netServer.listen(502, ()=> {
   console.log('Modbus Server Started');

When trying to WriteMultipleRegisters, It show 'Registers wrote' twice.

stefanpoeter commented 8 months ago

Hey @maufc ,

the name of the npm and the name of the github repo a two different things. But I agree that this could have been the same name. It's some time ago now and I don't really know any more how it came to this.

I don't have any metrics on how many people use the server but my guess would be that the client is more in the focus. I remember the issue you mentioned, unfortunately there has never been a pull request for this issue. I am happy if you contribute a solution.

maufc commented 8 months ago

Hi. Thanks for your answer. Let me see what can I do to propose any improvement. Regards!