Cloud-CNC / cura-wasm

Cura Engine powered by Web Assembly (WASM)
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RFC: Reduction of bundle size and separation of printer definitions #7

Closed Wakeful-Cloud closed 3 years ago

Wakeful-Cloud commented 3 years ago

RFC: Reduction of bundle size and separation of printer definitions


The package bundle size of Cura WASM is too high. Package consumers substantially increase their own code bundle sizes simply by including Cura WASM which causes end users to suffer as a result.


November 6th, 2020 (11/6/2020) November 8th, 2020 (11/8/2020)

Note that the Cloud CNC core development team reserves the right to extend the duration.



Cura WASM’s production bundled size is 4.05 MB (CommonJS version) or 4.04 MB (ES6+ version) as of writing. The package is bundled with 309 3D printer definitions (As of writing) taking up approximately 1.24 MB. The compiled Cura Engine Web Assembly is “inlined” inside of CuraEngine.js using base 64 encoding.

If all proposals are adopted, the size of Cura WASM (Excluding 3D printer definitions) will shrink from 4.05 MB to 2.03 MB (CommonJS version; 49.88% decrease) or from 4.04 MB to 2.01 MB (ES6+ version; 50.25% decrease).


Proposal A

Implementing size-optimizing GCC flags when building Cura Engine will produce substantially smaller builds with NO IMPACT TO CURA WASM’S FUNCTIONALITY. The performance can only be evaluated once this proposal had been adopted; if performance is deemed unacceptable, this proposal will be automatically rejected (Retrospectively). The GCC flags will be “-Os”. If size-optimizing GCC flags are used, CuraEngine.js will shrink from 1.78 MB to 1.17 MB (34.27% decrease). The overall package bundle size will also shrink from 4.05 MB to 3.46 MB (CommonJS version; 14.57% decrease) or 4.04 MB to 3.44 MB (ES6+ version; 14.85% decrease).

Proposal B

The elimination of printer definitions will reduce the package bundle size from 4.05 MB to 2.81 MB (CommonJS version; 30.62% decrease) or from 4.04 MB to 2.80 MB (ES6+ version; 30.69% decrease). Note that the user will still have to supply printer definitions. 3D printer definitions will be moved to a new GitHub repository and NPM package. The name of this package will be “cura-wasm-definitions”. Package consumers will then be responsible for supplying Cura WASM with the appropriate 3D printer definitions. This will cause BREAKING CHANGES TO CURA WASM’S API. Instead of specifying what 3D printer definition to use to Cura WASM, this same information will be implied by what 3D printer definition is supplied to Cura WASM.

Proposal C

Splitting Cura WASM’s Cura Engine Web Assembly file will reduce the package size simply by avoiding the overhead associated with base-64 encoding the Web Assembly file. However, splitting the Web Assembly file will likely cause BREAKING CHANGES due to Emscripten’s proprietary file loading system. The size of CuraEngine.js will shrink from 1.78 MB to 1.36 MB (Also including the new, separate Web Assembly file; 23.60% decrease). The overall package bundle size will also shrink from 4.05 MB to 3.63 MB (CommonJS version; 10.37% decrease) or 4.04 MB to 3.62 MB (ES6+ version; 10.40% decrease).


Proposal A (>50% to pass): 3/3 Proposal B (70% to pass): 3/3 Proposal C (70% to pass): 0/2

Note that the Cloud CNC core development team reserves the right to modify these voting thresholds to best suit the total number of voters.

Voter Policy

Anyone informed on all of the above policies and their implications is welcome to vote. Votes can be cast by commenting in the below format:

Official Vote
Proposition A: adopt/reject
Proposition B: adopt/reject
Proposition C: adopt/reject


Proposal A: adopted (Partially rejected, retrospectively; implemented in version 1.3.3) Proposal B: adopted (Implemented in version 1.4.0) Proposal C: rejected

Wakeful-Cloud commented 3 years ago

Official Vote Proposition A: adopt Proposition B: adopt Proposition C: reject

inventinside commented 3 years ago

Official Vote Proposition A: adopt Proposition B: adopt Proposition C: reject

mmiscool commented 3 years ago

Official Vote Proposition A: adopt Proposition B: adopt Proposition C: reject

Wakeful-Cloud commented 3 years ago

Voting has closed - thanks to everyone who participated! Propositions A and B will be implemented in the coming days.

Wakeful-Cloud commented 3 years ago

@inventinside @mmiscool

Proposal A Rejection Proposal A has been retrospectively rejected due to unacceptable performance. The below chart shows the proposed flag (-Os) causing otherwise identical slices to take over 2 times as long. However, the flag -O2 has been adopted due to negligible performance loss and minor size reductions (Over the existing -O3) FYI: each categorical value was averaged from 6 individual trials.
