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{“detail”:“Authentication credentials were not provided.”} #4253

Open zhangpingrui opened 9 months ago

zhangpingrui commented 9 months ago

In the Habitat Challenge 2022, when I try to submit, I found this error image But I really set token before I submit. image I don't know how to solve this problem so that I can submit.

gchhablani commented 9 months ago

Not sure why the first image is a browser image. Can you please elaborate what you did?

zhangpingrui commented 9 months ago

I just use the command evalai push ori:latest --phase habitat-objectnav-test-standard-2022-1615 --private Then I got that url link, I clicked it, then I got the page in the first image.

kaixqu commented 9 months ago

Hey @gchhablani Same issues here.

I checked the evalai package and tried to print the url, header, and the response in make_request(path, method, files=None, data=None). I replaced my authentication key with "xxxx" below:

url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [200]>
url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [200]>
url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [500]>
500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:

If I do the same command as @zhangpingrui did, pushing to a challenge I haven't participated in. It actually gives me correct error:

url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [200]>
url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [200]>
url    :
headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer xxxx'}
<Response [400]>
Error: You have not participated in this challenge.

I am not sure if this is the right place to post it. But I will also post this on evalai discussion forum. Any help would really be appreciated!

Best, Kaixian

ytliu74 commented 8 months ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. I hope the maintainers can resolve it. Thanks.

gchhablani commented 8 months ago

Hi all, This is a known issue and we are already trying to resolve it. This is an issue at the host end and I have contacted them already.

ytliu74 commented 7 months ago

Hi @gchhablani, the issue still exists. Could you update the current progress? Thanks.

sxyxs commented 6 days ago

Is there any updates?