Cloud-CV / EvalAI

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Find and update the list of organizations using EvalAI #4341

Open RishabhJain2018 opened 1 month ago

RishabhJain2018 commented 1 month ago

Issue: The number of organizations using EvalAI is outdated, as many organizations have started using it in the last few years.


  1. Determine which organization has the most people hosting that challenge on EvalAI.
  2. Find the current logo of the organization.
  3. Add/update the logo on the landing page.
Yashovardhan08 commented 1 month ago

Interested to take this issue. @RishabhJain2018, could you assign it to me?

RishabhJain2018 commented 1 month ago

Sure @Yashovardhan08. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions /doubts!

Yashovardhan08 commented 1 month ago

@RishabhJain2018 just to confirm, I need to make these changes to the popular challenges section on the landing page right?

RishabhJain2018 commented 1 month ago

Hey! No, you have to make changes in this section on the landing page image

Yashovardhan08 commented 1 month ago

Okay, thanks for the clarification. Will get started on it immediately.

Yashovardhan08 commented 1 month ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018, currently I would be going through all challenges which were approved in present, past and future, which were public and private. If I have to include the unapproved challenges, please let me know.

Yashovardhan08 commented 1 month ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018, I had started coding as I realised the docker compose command does not work on my system, I have tried different approaches to fix it but it doesn't seem to work. If you have any suggestions to make it work in a M1 mac please let me know.

Yashovardhan08 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018 , I made a url to access the hosts for a challenge. How to get the organization details for the hosts? Is there a URL that I am missing ? please advise. Currently I am assuming "team_name" from the "creator" field in "challenge" object returned.

Yashovardhan08 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018, is this issue stale or is there a scope of getting the code for this issue into the main repo?

RishabhJain2018 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @Yashovardhan08 , No, this isn't stale. We want it to be completed.

RishabhJain2018 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018, I had started coding as I realised the docker compose command does not work on my system, I have tried different approaches to fix it but it doesn't seem to work. If you have any suggestions to make it work in a M1 mac please let me know.

@gchhablani @gautamjajoo @Harshit28j Can you please help?

Harshit28j commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @RishabhJain2018, I had started coding as I realised the docker compose command does not work on my system, I have tried different approaches to fix it but it doesn't seem to work. If you have any suggestions to make it work in a M1 mac please let me know.

@Yashovardhan08 Can you share the error message?