Cloud-CV / GSoC-Ideas

CloudCV GSoC Ideas
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Issues for GSOC 209 #19

Closed wadleo closed 5 years ago

wadleo commented 5 years ago

Project Title: Issues for GSOC 2019

Description: We need new issues for GSOC 2019, so potential students (like me) can know what projects to focus on and which issues to tackle for GSOC application.

Deliverable: List of issues

RishabhJain2018 commented 5 years ago

Hi @wadleo , Thanks for your interest in the organization. We'll soon be releasing the ideas list. The issues for GSOC 2019 are already opened. You can search by tag GSOC-2019 in EvaAI project. Also, do join our Gitter channel if you have any doubts/questions while setting up the project. Below are the links for it. CloudCV: EvalAI:

wadleo commented 5 years ago

Thanks @RishabhJain2018 your reply very much appreciated.