Cloud-CV / GSoC-Ideas

CloudCV GSoC Ideas
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Easy challenge management on EvalAI #46

Closed Ram81 closed 1 year ago

Ram81 commented 2 years ago

Project Title: Easy challenge management on EvalAI


This project will focus on streamlining the newly adopted GitHub challenge creation pipeline, building API’s for fully automating challenge creation on EvalAI, adding new capabilities in EvalAI’s latest frontend for a seamless user experience, and making our backend robust and less error-prone by adding test cases for different frontend and backend components. As of now, EvalAI admin has to be in the loop for the challenge creation process with respect to scaling worker resources for prediction-based AI challenges, setting up remote evaluation for AI challenges, and most importantly setting up code-upload AI challenges on EvalAI, the goal of this project is to remove EvalAI admin out of the loop by fully automating the process.


Mentors: - Ram Ramrakhya, Rishabh Jain

Skills Required: - Python, Django, AngularJS, AWS

Project size - 175 hours

Difficulty - Medium

Get started: Try to fix some issues in EvalAI (note that there are some issues labeled with GSOC-2022)

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