Cloud-CV / GSoC-Ideas

CloudCV GSoC Ideas
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Challenge Synchronization with GitHub Repositories #71

Open gchhablani opened 4 months ago

gchhablani commented 4 months ago

Project Title: Challenge Synchronization with GitHub Repositories

Description: This project aims to facilitate the migration of legacy challenges from challenge zip files to GitHub repositories, providing hosts with access to their old challenges through a familiar interface. Additionally, it will establish a bidirectional sync between EvalAI and GitHub repositories, ensuring that changes made on either platform are reflected seamlessly. With enhanced compatibility and synchronization capabilities, this project will contribute to a smoother experience for hosts managing challenges on EvalAI.


Mentor: @gchhablani, @RishabhJain2018

Skills: Django, Markdown, Python

Skill Level: Medium-Hard

Get started: Try to fix some issues in EvalAI (note that there are some issues labeled with GSoC-2024).

Important Links:

numcys commented 4 months ago

Hi @gchhablani , I am a final year student working as a DevOps Engineer. I went through the Task and explored into docs for EvalAI, for the first deliverable I have a starting approach which uses the Github api, I have worked on something similar before and would love to implement this. and for the second deliverable I was thinking of going for a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub actions and using a script utilising the GitHub api for a bidirectional sync, moreover utilising some concepts of caching can optimise the process even further.

Of course this was very high level overview and I would love to discuss more on this with you and possibly draft a proposal for this if you would like to review it....

iOmkarNikam commented 4 months ago

Hello Mentors Team Cloud-CV ! @gchhablani & @RishabhJain2018 I'm Omkar Nikam ,I am second year student studying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE) from KITCOEK(INDIA). I am Very Keen Learner , My Expertise Include Python , C , C++ , JAVA , HTML, CSS , JavaScript , PHP .

I'm beginner in Open Source , I'm Passionate for Technology . I have read and gone through the description , And I am interested to work with Cloud-CV Projects for GSOC 2024 , particularly in ; 1.Challenge Synchronization with GitHub Repositories

I am having good exposure to Machine Learning Concepts . Please , guide me for next steps !

Sincerely , Omkar

Antoniocolapso commented 3 months ago

Interested for the project.

A little bit about me :

I'm Omm Prakash Sahoo from IIT Bhilai, 3rd year i recently become ML guy after doing CP and dev in my first 2 years.Was ICPC regionalist expert at CodeForces done decent amount of DEVoPs, Developed both Web and android apps, topped in SystemDesign and ML course at our college, built LIP-Reader (predicting sentence only by lip movement), was lead of INTER-IIT Tech meet team for Adobe behaviour simulation challenge in which we developed 2 LLMs to ease the process of posting new content for marketing for companies in every segment and a lots of interesting works.

After achieving my personal goals in CP in first 2 years now i want to finally contribute to real-world problems.Coz have been member of GDSC, OpenLake(Club for Open Source enthusiasts at IIT Bhilai) and Co-ordinator of Ingenuity (CP club).

Here is my resume link :

I will be there to solve it soon.

KrishnanN27 commented 3 months ago

Hello @gchhablani ,

I'm Sowndarya Krishnan, pursuing a Master’s Thesis in Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines. My current thesis work at DataDrivenCps lab focuses on data and metadata management within Cyber-physical systems, specifically accelerating SHACL validation and inference in RDF graphs.

The "Challenge Synchronization with GitHub Repositories" project caught my eye because it seems like a perfect match for my skills and interests, especially given my background in Python and Django. I'm thrilled at the thought of bringing what I've learned into the real world, especially to improve how challenge hosts interact with EvalAI.

I'm eager to see how I can fit into your team and really make a difference in the project. You can check out my resume for a full picture of what I bring to the table.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together!

Thanks for considering my application.