Cloud9Developer / Jellyfin-Newsletter-Plugin

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[Enhancement] use Jellyfin image parameters when fetching images #64

Open TheDMV2 opened 8 months ago

TheDMV2 commented 8 months ago

In NewsletterDataGenerator.cs

case "JfHosting":
                return $"{config.Hostname}/Items/{item.ItemID}/Images/Primary";

could we add


to the end to reduce file size being sent dramatically?

In one test, 3.6kb vs 237kb

There is no reason to use giant image files for these thumbnails.

Cloud9Developer commented 8 months ago

I didn't know this was an option lol. Should be a quick add, so should be part of the next release. Will hopefully have some time soon to get some work done on this plugin

TheDMV2 commented 8 months ago

If it helps, this only works for "indirect" images.

Here's a copy-paste from Jellyfin's front page:

<button data-action="link" class="cardImageContainer coveredImage cardContent itemAction lazy blurhashed lazy-image-fadein-fast" aria-label="Project: ALF" style="background-image: url(&quot;https://[MY.SERVER.URL]/Items/097829f6d9fdab9a3f5f29346a1d08fd/Images/Primary?fillHeight=660&amp;fillWidth=440&amp;quality=96&amp;tag=02d446840870e6fedfeede6a6da9309f&quot;);"></button>

This does not work / apply to directly linked images, such as the Jellyfin PNG in the top left corner:

background-image: url(../../assets/img/banner-light.png)

You can't use any "?" directives there.

Rant Honestly, I hate that quality is set to 96 in JF. 115kb vs 32.7kb for Q96 vs Q60. When you have 100 images loading at once, that's a lot of wasted time. And if they set width to 220 (still more than the 187 it is rendering in), it would 11.3kb. 1/10th the data sent. It would help remote users scrolling a lot! But that's not a problem for you, just me venting.

Time to go to :)

PS. Don't shame me for Project: ALF. I'm a completionist, and it's a movie with Martin Sheen in rare form ranting at ALF while surrounded by a bunch of soldiers who I swear are trying to hold back a chuckle. But you can shame me for being a including ALF. I was wrong. It was not what I remembered.

Cloud9Developer commented 1 month ago

I just had a thought around this.. Why not just add the size you want in your custom HTML? Like:

<img style="width: 133px; height: 200px;" src="{ImageURL}?fillHeight=200&fillWidth=133&quality=50">

would that not work?