CloudCompare / CloudComPy

Python wrapper for CloudCompare
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Clipping Box implementation. #137

Open itsgoodforyou2 opened 8 months ago

itsgoodforyou2 commented 8 months ago

Hello, I'm a beginner in 3D applications. I'd like to know how to implement a clipping box.

like below

prascle commented 8 months ago

Hello, Please see the CloudComPy documentation for Slices and contours. I think this is what you're looking for. If not, please let me know. Regards, Paul

itsgoodforyou2 commented 8 months ago

I want to implement clipping tool function with 'interactors' (big red, green and blue arrows and tori).

prascle commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure I understand your needs. Can you describe your use case more precisely? How do you want to use these interactors in a Python script? CloudComPy is a Python interface for scripting CloudCompare manipulations (heavy repetitive processes on large datasets), it was not designed to build a new Python GUI on top of CloudCompare, but maybe a good description of your needs will allow me to answer you more precisely.

itsgoodforyou2 commented 8 months ago

I would like to program functions such as Cross-Session Tool ('Tools > Segmentation > Cross Section' menu.), which is one of the features of Cloud Compare software. The purpose of developing this feature is that we want to specify the ROI(Region of interest) from the 3D point cloud image (.ply) taken with the 3D depth camera. So I think I can solve the problem of specifying ROI by dragging, stretching, reducing, and rotating the arrows on the BOX with the mouse, but the problem is I don't know how to develop these features.

Below is reference image.

prascle commented 8 months ago

I'm sorry, but I still don't understand your use case. When you talk about dragging, stretching, rotating..., I imagine an interactive interface, not something procedural... Would you like to recode the interactive cross-section tool in Python? It's feasible, but I don't see the link with CloudComPy...

itsgoodforyou2 commented 8 months ago

Point cloud images acquired from 3D Depth cameras are very broad in scope. So if I want to do 3D processing for a specific area, I have to narrow down the scope of the processing area. To do that, I want to create a tool that can narrow down images by interacting with the mouse, such as the Cross-Section tool within CloudCompare. But I don't know how to start.