CloudCompare / CloudComPy

Python wrapper for CloudCompare
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Option to orient normal with custom camera point #183

Open bharathrajad opened 1 month ago

bharathrajad commented 1 month ago

Can option to orient normal with custom camera point instead of origin provision be given for input ? Thanks

prascle commented 1 month ago

Hello, I'm not sure I understand your question. There are already two functions to manage camera position, view direction and orientation (upwards): setCustomView and setCameraPos. If this isn't what you want, could you explain in more detail? Best regards, Paul

bharathrajad commented 1 month ago

sorry for the ambiguous incomplete question. I am having multiple point cloud scans, which i shift to world coordinate from sensor local coordinates. so, the origin gets shifted. I am not seeing any direction option to give in custom origin point from which compute_normals directions can be oriented towards. There is tools -> compute normals -> orientation option, where there is option for "from sensor origin", "towards sensor origin", but no option to select the sensor or custom camera position in both GUI/Cloudcompy.

Sharing sample option in Open3d equivalent to the one i needed :

prascle commented 1 month ago

Hello, I think I'll be able to add a function for this use in the next version, I've found the corresponding methods in CloudCompare's C++ code.

Best regards, Paul

bharathrajad commented 1 month ago

Thanks very much for the support.