CloudCompare / CloudComPy

Python wrapper for CloudCompare
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Calculate signed roughness by specifying 'up direction'? #91

Open killickm opened 1 year ago

killickm commented 1 year ago

Hello, big fan of CloudComPy- thanks for this very handy package.

cc.computeRoughness seems to currently calculates absolute roughness. In CloudCompare 2.12.0 the option was added to specify an 'up direction' and compute signed distances. Has this been implemented in CloudComPy, if so how can I do this, if not could this please be added at some stage? Thanks Matt

prascle commented 1 year ago

hello @killickm, thanks! The 'up direction' is not yet implemented in CloudComPy, I will try to add it in the next release. Regards, Paul

killickm commented 1 year ago

Hi Paul, I noticed you've added this feature, thank you for addressing my needs so quickly. I downloaded the latest windows binary from here but it seems to be corrupted- when I attempt to unzip it using 7zip it lists 374 'data errors', and the unzipped directory is empty. Could you look into what might be causing this? Matt

prascle commented 1 year ago

Hi Matt, Thanks for reporting the binary corruption, I think it's fixed now. You can download the latest version of the Windows binary here.
