CloudOpting / cloudopting-manager

The cloudopting core manager
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Service Catalogue - Contact confirmation message is too short #394

Closed MiquelBonet closed 7 years ago

MiquelBonet commented 7 years ago

When you contact CloudOpting through the contact form, the message received is too short and lacks explanation.

Instead of:

"Dear /Name/, Message: / Message sent to CloudOpting/ has been sent."

It should be:

"Dear (Name),

We have received the following message, with ID (ID of the message), from you:

(Message sent to CloudOpting)

We will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

CloudOpting Team"

ildave commented 7 years ago

I made the change, but I cannot test it locally because the captcha is not working when running the application from localhost and the "Send message" button is not enabled:

schermata 2016-08-12 alle 16 27 57

xeviscc commented 7 years ago

Added localhost and to the list of allowed domains for our recaptcha key.

ildave commented 7 years ago

Closed - commit 39923f7214b1bd863108496012b67f9616d0df49