CloudSecurityAlliance / continuous-audit-metrics

Continuous Audit Metrics
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Proposed metrics for AIS-07/TVM-03 and LOG-03/STA-07 #32

Open apannetrat opened 2 years ago

apannetrat commented 2 years ago

Some metrics proposed by Walter Williams:


Number of CVSS 7.5 or higher known vulnerabilities with an age of over 30 days CVSS score. Plus Number of CVSS 6.0 through 7.4 known vulnerabilities with an age of over 60 days CVSS Score. Plus Number of CVSS 4.0 through 5.9 known vulnerabilities with an age of over 90 days * CVSS Score.

An acceptable level of risk should be 0, and any value higher than 0 indicates a failure to address known vulnerabilities in a timely manner.


The number logs collected from SaaS solutions / the number of SaaS solutions leveraged by the enterprise.

The ratio should be 1, indicating completeness of log collection.

apannetrat commented 2 years ago


apannetrat commented 2 years ago

Group discussion:

For AIS-07/TVM-03

For LOG-03/STA-07:

apannetrat commented 1 year ago

Assigned to Yehia A. and Kiran C.

Complade commented 1 year ago

Primary CCMv4 Control ID: LOG-03

Primary Control Description: Identify and monitor security-related events within applications and the underlying infrastructure. Define and implement a system to generate alerts to responsible stakeholders based on such events and corresponding metrics.

Related CCMv4 Control IDs: STA-07

Metric ID: LOG-03-M2

Metric Description: This metric measures the effectiveness of the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) logging and alerting capabilities to catch MITRE att&ck framework vulnerabilities.

Expression: Formula: (1-(A/B))*100 Where A: Number of MITRE att&ck framework vulnerabilities flagged in the CSP provided logs by an att&ck framework simulation tool B: Number of MITRE att&ck framework vulnerabilities flagged in the CSP provided logs.

Rules: The logs must be automatically and systematically exported to a third party MITRE att&ck framework tool and compare simulation results with logs and alerts provided by the CSP.

Sampling period: Monthly

SLO Recommendation: 100%

Complade commented 1 year ago

Primary CCMv4 Control ID: AIS-07

Primary Control Description: Define and implement a process to remediate application security vulnerabilities, automating remediation when possible.

Related CCMv4 Control IDs:

Metric ID: LOG-07-M3

Metric Description: This metric measures the effectiveness of the vulnerabilities remediation process.

Expression: For CVSS 7.5 Formula: (1-(A/B))*100 Where A: The Total Number of Existing CVSS 7.5 or higher known vulnerabilities with an age of over 30 days AND Number of Existing CVSS 6.0 through 7.4 known vulnerabilities with an age of over 60 days AND Number of Existing CVSS 4.0 through 5.9 known vulnerabilities with an age of over 90 days B: The Total Number of CVSS 7.5 or higher known vulnerabilities discovered in the past 30 days AND Number of CVSS 6.0 through 7.4 known vulnerabilities discovered in the past 60 days AND Number of CVSS 4.0 through 5.9 known vulnerabilities discovered in the past 90

Rules: According to the organization policy, some vulnerabilities can be accepted and must not be calculated in this metric. The exception ratio must be measured in a different metric and compared to the organization policy.

Sampling period: Monthly

SLO Recommendation: 100%

apannetrat commented 1 year ago

The discussion around the LOG-03 metric has evolved as follows:

Sketch of a proposal:

Formula: 100 * A/B A: Number of security events that required action and that where automatically classified correctly under a recognised attack identification framework. B: Number of security events that required action.

Examples of recognised attack identification framework are MITRE Attack, VERIS DB, NIST.

apannetrat commented 1 year ago


Test-based approach (LOG-03 or SEF-06)

Description: This metric measures the organization's ability to identify security events by testing attacks from a recognized attack catalog framework such as MITRE Attack, VERIS DB, NIST.

Formula: 100 * A/B

A: Number of security events that were automatically and correctly classified during the test. B: Total number of security events expected to be generated during the test.

Observation-based approach (LOG-03 or SEF-06)


Vulnerability remediation (AIS-07/TVM-03)


apannetrat commented 1 year ago

The emerging consensus from the working group is that a "LOG-03" based metrics as envisioned above is not feasible: