Cloudbox / autoscan

Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour for picking up changes on the file system.
MIT License
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bernard and crypted drive #104

Closed xfouloux closed 3 years ago

xfouloux commented 3 years ago


is bernard able to use an rclone encrypted drive ?

not seeing anything in the repo about this

Can you confirm ?


m-rots commented 3 years ago

Bernard does not support encrypted Shared Drives. Furthermore, Bernard does not support My Drive in its entirety.

beyondmeat commented 3 years ago

@m-rots that's unfortunate. Is there any plans to support rclone's crypt in bernard?

This needs to be a disclaimer in the readme/docs. I had to find this issue to figure out why it wasn't working.

m-rots commented 3 years ago

@m-rots that's unfortunate. Is there any plans to support rclone's crypt in bernard?

This needs to be a disclaimer in the readme/docs. I had to find this issue to figure out why it wasn't working.

The current version of Bernard is likely to be replaced by A-Train. A-Train includes this disclaimer in its readme, so that should make it clear that there is no support for RClone encryption.

Regarding plans to support RClone's encryption. The simple answer is no. The last time I checked, RClone used some non-standard encryption algorithms which I would need to write from scratch, something I will not do. If they switched to some industry standard encryption method, then it would not be much work to add support for it.

peterbaumert commented 2 years ago

Why dont you just use rclone backend decode for example? This feature would be very useful :)

m-rots commented 2 years ago

Why dont you just use rclone backend decode for example? This feature would be very useful :)

Will look into it

hekmon commented 2 years ago

I think it is possible to acheive a middleground:

Take the following remote encrypted path from a remote encrypted rclone team drive: /obfus1/obfus2/obfus3/obfus4 which should translate to /movies/radarr/MovieTitleFolder/MovieTitle

A first part of the solution is the following:

It actually already works, I tested it: the correct library is detected from the autoscan log based on the partially unofuscated path (/movies/radarr/obfus3/obfus4).

The final part of the problem is:

So here is how encrypted library could be supported:

It is not a specific targetted scan as autoscan is normally capable of but it still enable support of encrypted team drive while avoiding to start a complete libraries scan (only a single library is rescanned entirely).

Call it a compromise :)