Cloudbox / autoscan

Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour for picking up changes on the file system.
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Same issue as #99 - inotify no space left on device #152

Closed Fma965 closed 2 years ago

Fma965 commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue as #99 but with a local mount and i have set the max watches as a extreme test to 524288

Mar 16 21:11:42 ERR Failed initialising jobs error="watch directory: /mnt/local/Media: no space left on device" trigger=inotify

FWIW i'm running the docker container, not sure if that matters?

edrock200 commented 2 years ago

How many objects do you have in that dir? FWIW, I have set inotify as high as 10 million without issue. So as a test, you can try bumping it up really high to see if the error clears, then lowering in increments. The one thing I'm not sure of is if the container needs restarted after updating inotify setting on the host, I think it does but I'm not 100% on that.

Fma965 commented 2 years ago

Not many objects at all, we would be talking like maybe 100 files, if that. i also tried with higher than 524288 but it made no difference, ofcourse restarting the container after the tests.

Everything other than inotify works fine :)

Fma965 commented 2 years ago

So it seems i had multiple fs.inotify.max_user_watches lines in my sysctl, fixed :)

lightmaster commented 1 year ago

how do you change sysctl such that it's not lost when recreating the container?

EDIT: Nevermind, found out that its carried over automatically from the host system.