Cloudbox / autoscan

Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour for picking up changes on the file system.
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Flattened directory structure results in file paths incorrectly being sent to Plex #199

Closed Hunsu closed 6 months ago

Hunsu commented 1 year ago

When adding a new file in a library's folder, autoscan is calling plex with the path of that file. But plex only support paths to folders. Autoscan should send the file folder in the refresh request.

Did I miss some configuration ?

robson90 commented 10 months ago

Can you pls show your log output ?

Mine is something like this: `Aug 17 07:38:35 INF Scan moved to processor event=Download id=cjessutgmqks3ktkh23g method=POST path="/mnt/unionfs/series// S07" url=/triggers/sonarr

Aug 17 07:40:56 INF Scan stats processed=178 remaining=1

Aug 17 07:41:40 INF Scan moved to target library=TV-Serien path="/series// S07" target=plex url=`

Hunsu commented 10 months ago

Your case works because you are passing a subfolder of your library folder. For tv shows it works for me. But I don't create folders for each movie I add so when passing '/mnt/plex/Movies/' I got that error. I will post logs later.

Hunsu commented 10 months ago
Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Initialised processor anchors=[] min_age=4s
Aug 19 08:22:08 WRN Webhooks running without authentication
Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Initialised triggers bernard=0 inotify=1 lidarr=0 manual=1 radarr=0 readarr=0 sonarr=0
Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Starting server on :3030
    Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Initialised targets autoscan=0 emby=0 jellyfin=0 plex=1
Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Initialised version=" (@)"
Aug 19 08:22:08 INF Processor started
    Aug 19 08:22:38 INF Scan moved to processor id=cjg5vbnr4stptbm1rvc0 method=POST path="/mnt/plex/Anime/XXX/Season 0/XXXX.avi" url=/triggers/manual?dir=%2mnt%2Fplex%2FAnime%2FXXX%2FSeason+0%2FXXX.avi
Aug 19 08:22:53 INF Scan moved to target library=Anime path="/mnt/plex/Anime/XXX/Season 0/XXXX.avi" target=plex url=http://localhost:32400

Aug 19, 2023 08:22:53.480 [139936283015992] INFO - Request: [ (Loopback)] PUT /library/sections/2/refresh?path=%2mnt%2Fplex%2FAnime%2FXXX%2FSeason+0%2FXXX.avi (3 live) #2b69 GZIP Signed-in Token (XXX) (XXX)
Aug 19, 2023 08:22:53.524 [139936361360184] INFO - Completed: [] 200 PUT /library/sections/2/refresh?path=%2mnt%2Fplex%2FAnime%2FXXX%2FSeason+0%2FXXX.avi (3 live) #2b69 GZIP 44ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 1)
Aug 19, 2023 08:22:53.973 [139936331348792] ERROR - Failed to create iterator to "/mnt/plex/Anime/XXX/Season 0/XXXX.avi": Not a directory
robson90 commented 10 months ago

I See. Im sorry I don't know if your use case should work with autoscan.

The only thing I can do is providing my config.

    - priority: 0

      # filter with regular expressions
        - ^/mnt/unionfs/

      # rewrite inotify path to unified filesystem
            - from: ^/data/
              to: /mnt/unionfs/

      # local filesystem paths to monitor
        - path: /mnt/unionfs/filme
        - path: /mnt/unionfs/filme4
        - path: /mnt/unionfs/series
        - path: /mnt/unionfs/series4

    - name: radarr   # /triggers/radarr
        - from: /data/#3_Filme
          to: /mnt/unionfs/filme

    - url: <URL> # URL of your Plex server
      token: <TOKE> # Plex API Token
        - from: /mnt/unionfs/filme # local file system
          to: /filme # path accessible by the Plex docker container (if applicable)
        - from: /mnt/unionfs/filme4
          to: /filme4

I started with arr´s and then switched to inotify, because it listens on Drive activity and changes. Works for me flawlessly.

Bryzgalin commented 6 months ago

It seems this is fixed in this fork Allow root folders to be refreshed

m-rots commented 6 months ago

TLDR: When files are located directly in the library folder, scans do not succeed as Autoscan does not support scanning entire libraries. E.g. a library with path /mnt/unionfs/Movies results in /mnt/unionfs/Movies/movie.mp4 not being scanned, as Autoscan sends /mnt/unionfs/Movies/movie.mp4 instead of /mnt/unionfs/Movies.

This issue will not be fixed as one of Autoscan's core tenets is to make scanning more efficient. However, a flattened directory structure will always result in a full rescan, which in fact does not make things more efficient. Thus the two are incompatible.