Cloudbox / autoscan

Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour for picking up changes on the file system.
MIT License
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How to handle fatal errors and processor stopping #200

Open axsuul opened 1 year ago

axsuul commented 1 year ago

Sometimes I will occasionally get Plex auth errors. When this happens, Autoscan's processor sleeps indefinitely and I have to restart it to get it to process again

Feb 23 20:32:58 ERR Fatal error occurred while processing targets, processor stopped, triggers will continue... error="scan: invalid plex token: 401 Unauthorized: fatal error"

Should we have the processor instead retry whenever an error like this occurs? Otherwise it seems like the only solution is to just restart Autoscan every few hours so it doesn't get stuck whenever it encounters an error — or perhaps the healthcheck endpoint should return failing whenever this happens?