Cloudbox / autoscan

Autoscan replaces the default Plex and Emby behaviour for picking up changes on the file system.
MIT License
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Readarr trigger stopped working suddenly #209

Open haudankaivajasi opened 1 year ago

haudankaivajasi commented 1 year ago

Hi, I haven't touched anything with my autoscan config for a good while and now that I restarted my server, my autoscan won't start and I'm getting an error: Jul 5 11:46:37 FTL Failed decoding config error="yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 34: field readarr not found in type struct { Manual manual.Config \"yaml:\\\"manual\\\"\"; ATrain a_train.Config \"yaml:\\\"a-train\\\"\"; Bernard []bernard.Config \"yaml:\\\"bernard\\\"\"; Inotify []inotify.Config \"yaml:\\\"inotify\\\"\"; Lidarr []lidarr.Config \"yaml:\\\"lidarr\\\"\"; Radarr []radarr.Config \"yaml:\\\"radarr\\\"\"; Sonarr []sonarr.Config \"yaml:\\\"sonarr\\\"\" }"

My config on the line 34 forward is a readarr trigger:

    - name: readarr
      priority: 2

        - from: /books/
          to: /data/

What is this error and how do I fix this? The autoscan instance starts when I remove/comment the readarr trigger config.