Cloudef / bemenu

Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.16k stars 90 forks source link

[POSSIBLE ISSUE] Fonts are not formatted with the right spacing #359

Closed thealio closed 9 months ago

thealio commented 9 months ago

Hi, Im using bemenu with the following settings:

BEMENU_OPTS="-i --hp 10 -l 20 -H 30\
  --tb '#ce6ca2'\                     # title background
 --tf '#2f343f'\                      # title foreground
 --fb '#2f343f'\                      # filter background
 --ff '#dcdccc'\                      # filter foreground
 --nb '#2f343f'\                      # normal background
 --nf '#dcdccc'\                      # normal foreground
 --ab '#2f343f'\                      # alternate background
 --af '#dcdccc'\                      # alternate foreground
 --hb '#ce6ca2'\                      # highlited backgriund
 --hf '#2f343f'\                      # highlighted foreground
 --sb '#404552'\                      # selected background
 --sf '#c4a000'\                      # selected foreground
 --scb '#2f343f'\                     # scrollbar background
 --scf '#dcdccc'\                     # scrollbar foreground
 --cb '#404552'\                      # cursor background
 --cf '#ce6ca2'\                      # cursor foreground
 --fn 'NotoMonoRegular normal 15'"

Font are not formatted right piping some commands, for example

nmcli connection show | bemenu

ps --user "$USER" -F | bemenu -p "kill:" "$@" | awk '{print $2" "$11}'

look totally messed up

Am I doing someting in the wrog way or this is a issue that have to be resolved?

thealio commented 9 months ago

Changing the font to Noto Sans Mono or another font resolved the issue

It seems That some fonts have isseues , like NotoMonoRegular