CloudifySource / cloudify-cloud-drivers

Contains Cloudify cloud driver implementations
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Cloudify driver for rsopenstack uses v1 API #5

Closed hhoover closed 11 years ago

hhoover commented 11 years ago

The Cloudify driver should be using the v2 API for Rackspace Open Cloud (OpenStack). This section of the groovy file:

custom ([
"openstack.endpoint" : "",
"openstack.identity.endpoint": "",
"openstack.tenant" : "ENTER_TENANT",
"openstack.wireLog": "false"

means the driver is using v1 - This API/Cloud is not OpenStack-based. The openstack.endpoint would vary by region, and the identity service is:

barakm commented 11 years ago

Hi, As of version 2.5, Cloudify uses jclouds for integrating with Openstack based cloud providers. The old openstack cloud driver is deprecated. The configurations referencing this cloud driver will be removed from the Cloudify distribution for the 2.6 release. By the way, we use JIRA to handle Cloudify issues - please have a look at: