CloudifySource / cloudify-widget

Widget for embedding a Cloudify "recipe player" in other website, to allow visitors to launch a certain recipe with a single click.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 11 forks source link

Github readme intergration #71

Closed rantav closed 11 years ago

rantav commented 11 years ago

This adds the ability to embed an image into a github file. The assumption is that there already exists a widget in cloudify with the given ID.

The markdown looks something like this: [![Launch with Cloudify](http://localhost:9000/embed/img/ab0cb11a-8030-48f7-b3b5-94bd0b68336b)](http://localhost:9000/widget/single/ab0cb11a-8030-48f7-b3b5-94bd0b68336b) (or course, replace localhost with the appropriate host name).

Here's more or less how this looks Of course the actual image graphic needs to be improved...

rantav commented 11 years ago

Here's a demo