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Understand the code of BotPress #18

Closed sojharo closed 5 years ago

sojharo commented 7 years ago

This task is to understand the code of botpress. I would assign this to me and dayem.


Install the botpress cli Create project using it it would generate files Go through these files to understand the code

Other we would understand the code of botpress-messenger module.

sojharo commented 7 years ago

I am also assigning this zarmeen

sojharo commented 7 years ago

I started looking into the code of botpress. The generated bot project didn't have the UI code and logic. It was just there to add bot logic to it. That was getting the logic and UI code from binary. I had to ask questions on forum to understand more on how we can modify the current UI in the code and how do we add more logic to it. I found that we would have to work on the main github repository not on the bot code generated by it. The main github repository is the tool which generates the bot project for us. I have started to look into the code of that. I found some code of UI there which I understood. I need to look more into the code as it is very big and little bit complex.

jekram commented 7 years ago

@sojharo I need to investigate the implication of BotPress Open source code.

@zarmeen92 @dayemsiddiqui FYI

sojharo commented 7 years ago

Yes Sir. I yesterday looked more into the code and understood the CLI part of the code. it takes the commands from user on the CLI and generates the bot. Further, I tried to run the project in development mode but it didn't run.

sojharo commented 6 years ago

I understood the UI part of the code. I was able to understand the different components that they have made. The next part in this is to understand how to create a new module for bot press.

jekram commented 6 years ago

@sojharo If we are not going with BotPress. This may not be required.

sojharo commented 6 years ago

Ok sir. I am removing this task from deck. Learning up till now was helpful in learning how they have designed UI. The next part is not very helpful to us.

jekram commented 5 years ago

not relevant any more