Cloudkibo / KiboPush

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Important documents and work for Shayaan (HomeShopping) #10441

Open ImranBinShoukat opened 3 years ago

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Facebook vs KiboChat live chat comparison:

KiboPush vs Messenger:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Today, we had a meeting with Shayaan. It was mainly training session for him where he understood how can we use chatbot automation to build messenger chatbot. He tried creating his bot in front of us and was not sure what options a bot should have. We offered him that we will create a sample chatbot for you so that you can follow that as an example.

He played with adding galleries to a chatbot which link to their website pages.

Here are the meeting minutes on important points:

  1. Basic NLP on triggers should be there (here, he was having trouble with triggers i.e. he added trigger phone but used phones in messenger and said there should be simple basic intelligence for this)
  2. In Advanced Chatbot builder, the button to add quick reply is not working (issue opened:
  3. Build sample chatbot for Shayaan (issue opened:

On the API specification for integration with their system, he said they will have separate meeting on this with us and their technical guys will be there.

We can use this issue to track our meetings with him and documents that we share.

jekram commented 3 years ago

It does not do any good impression to the customer.

We have yet to have a meeting with Shayaan with no issue.

@sojharo Why do we continue to find issues with working code? What is the solution?

I DO NOT CARE if we fixed issue #10800.

The key issues what are we doing to fix the process so we do not have this repeat again and again. If this was an exception I can understand. But this is normal.

I want an actionable plan that you will implement and monitor.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have scheduled a meeting with Shayan to discuss the procedure for connecting their WhatsApp business account with us. We will meeting with them tomorrow i.e. Wednesday, January 06, 2020 at 2:00 PM (PKT).

@jekram @sojharo FYI

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I had a meeting with Shayaan on Saturday. He wants to go ahead with getting whatsapp number and integrate it with KiboPush and start doing live chat on WhatsApp and as first step and then do automated chatbot from our UI just like he created Messenger chatbot. I explained him that you will have to purchase the whatsapp number and we will help you in getting this. He already knew about infobip and said he has a contact there. I said we will let you know on the provider and I will send you proposal document on getting whatsapp number

On API integration with their store, he said it is in pipeline and we are aiming to first have our both messenger and whatsapp on KiboPush and see them working for live chat and chatbot automation (manual chatbot created from UI). Then as a next step, we will integrate the API.

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I had a phone call with Shayaan yesterday and he had few questions regarding the understanding of the pricing specially pricing on template messages. I explained him the difference between monthly pricing and templates messages. He said price is a little bit higher if they look at it from yearly perspective I told him that there is possibility of discount.

He will review again and come back to us.

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I had a detailed call with Shayaan and took the status of their current usage and also introduced WhatsApp Super Number to him.

Here are the main points:

  1. He said things are going good and we are using the product on and off.
  2. He said we eventually have plans to go towards WhatsApp and we are waiting to be prepared for this as when customers get messages from us on WhatsApp they will assume that all of the support related communication is on Whatsapp and when we don't respond timely to them then they start giving negative feedback on customer support. He said we are gradually moving towards messaging so that we know we will be able to give response to 100% customer queries.
  3. I asked about the Whatsapp onboarding task of our previous plan. He said that whatsapp business api pricing is the roadblock and we think that prices from whatsapp vendors will go down when this service becomes normal and widespread.
  4. At this points, I introduced Whatsapp super number and told him that we are experimenting with shopify right now and instead of chatbot it focuses on post-sales notification and redirecting to human agents whatsapp numbers for one to one support chat. I explained about order confirmation messages, cod confirmation messages and abandoned cart notifications. He said this use cases seems more reasonable than the whatsapp chatbot as we were not able to get much value from whatsapp chatbot.
  5. I also explained him that with this merchants will not have to purchase the Whatsapp business api number and we will just use our verified number for this and give link to whatsapp number of merchant agents.
  6. Furthermore, on this, he gave me the use case he said we are having trouble with, if this could be solved with this, then it would be helpful. He said, currently, we have to confirm from customers whether they have done the bank payment for their order or not. They are currently sending sms through which they are asking customers if they have done the bank transfer of amount for their order or not. I told him that I will talk to the team and we can have such feature on Whatsapp where we will ask for payment confirmation in similar way we are asking COD order confirmation. He said once the customer confirms payment, with integration, we can have it updated in our systems.
  7. Furthermore, he said that we can send this confirmation on WhatsApp first and when we see customer has not responded or the message has not been delivered for a certain period of time, then we can send the sms with same confirmation message.
  8. I told him that we will send you videos on Whatsapp super number feature so that you can have a feel of it and will also send videos once we complete work for your given use case.