Cloudkibo / KiboPush

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Customer opportunity with sapphire #10825

Open jekram opened 3 years ago

jekram commented 3 years ago

We need to have a meeting with

We need the following

  1. Copy and paste from Alkarm (@ImranBinShoukat)

  2. Prepare a demo the same as Alkarm (with a script)

  3. Need to show both live chat and chatbot

  4. Both WhatsApp and messenger

Need to test both of these today

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I will go through the test script that I had written for both whatsapp and messenger. I will test Whatsapp chatbot and live chat part and upgrade testing script to include live chat as well.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have tested the WhatsApp chatbot and put my comments here:

I will create the meeting deck next

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have created the meeting deck:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I have updated the test script for commerce chatbot:

It now contains separate steps for COD and electronic payments. Also, they are according to updated flow now.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have tested the WhatsApp live chat as well. Found following issues:

  1. Image UI in message is broken. It is overflowing
  2. Audio sent from WhatsApp is showing as a file instead of playable audio
  3. Video sent from WhatsApp is showing as a file instead of playable video

I have opened the issue #10827 for this and put the details and screen shots there.

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I have also tested Whatsapp chatbot and on Whatsapp chatbot, I have found one more issue which I think is “talk to human” logic which needs further work. Please see this issue that we can discuss later and assign priority:

When agent has responded to the customer and customer wants to reply to the agent then chatbot interrupts by saying invalid response.

sojharo commented 3 years ago

I have tested Messenger Chat as well and have found two bugs that I have opened in this issue:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Final documents:

Meeting Deck:

Testing Script:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

We need to create a proposal for Sapphire and send them as soon as possible. We promised them to send the proposal after some days but then we forgot.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have created the proposal for Sapphire.

@jekram @sojharo please review

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Here are the meeting minutes from meeting with Sapphire on Thursday 28 January, 2021.

I am going to open issues for them and tag here.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Final Proposal: docx: pdf:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Action Items:

  1. Cancel Order: We are adding this function for the customer to cancel his order. It will significantly improve customer service and would lower your operational cost. (DONE)

2. Order Tracking: When an order is shipped, the customer will be able to come to Chatbot and track the number. (DONE)

3. Order Confirmation: When an order is placed on your Web site, we will notify the customer on Whatsapp (PARTIALLY REMAINING)

4. Order Return: This will allow for a workflow for the customer to return the product. (DONE)

5. Product Catalog: you had asked so the customer can receive the product catalog. We already showed you this feature in the last demo. (DONE)

6. Automated response to FAQ in Chatbot. (DONE)

7. Data Exatact: We extracted and sent you the CSV file to show you want information we capture. (DONE)

8. ChatBot on the Website: We are exploring this option for you (PARTIALLY DONE)

  1. Test all of the above items with anisha
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 09, 2021:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

We had our first daily meeting with Sapphire today. Here are the meeting minutes:

  1. For order tracking, we will be getting the courier name and CN from shopify. We can use it to generate the tracking link.
  2. For chatbot for their website, we have helped them create account on KiboPush and connect their Facebook account and page. They will first connect a test page to test run and once everything is working fine they will connect the official Sapphire page.
  3. They want to keep using Antlere for live chat and ticketing and they want when customer opts to talk to agent from chatbot, they receive the message on Antlere and agent will then talk to the customer from Antlere. For this they said, they want us to talk to their Antlere tech guy and discuss about API integration.
jekram commented 3 years ago
  1. This is great.
  2. This is great.
  3. Let's talk about this in our status meeting. Do we know if Amtlere has API? Dose Antlere supports Whatsapp
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 11, 2021:

  1. We have connected the Sapphire staging shopify account with KiboPush. This the Facebook page on which the chatbot is enabled.
  2. In chatbot, when customer selects talk to agent, the request needs to be forwarded to Antlere as all the channels (facebook, Instagram, Email, etc) are connected on Antlere and Sapphire agents are using their ticketing system. Once, the request is forwarded to Antlere one of the support agent will talk to the customer. For this Waqar will set up a meeting with Kashif from Antlere.
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 12, 2021:

  1. Waqar Sb. has tested the chatbot yesterday and the feedback is positive. He liked the chatbot. He will further test the chatbot with his team today and provide feedback in next meeting.
  2. Waqar Sb. has shared the updated Catalog with us and we will link that catalog to the chatbot.
  3. Can we search products using sku code? We will look into this and if shopify allows it we will add this functionality.
  4. We have completed the work on the updated FAQs and will link the new FAQs with the chatbot shortly.
  5. As discussed we will disable the cancel and return order for now. Later if need be we can enable it again from the settings.
  6. For Antlere APIs integration, we are waiting for the sample APIs from Kashif. Once, we receive the APIs we will start working on this.
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Update on action items:

  1. New catalog has been uploaded and linked to the chatbot
  2. Updated FAQs has been linked to the chatbot
  3. Cancel and return order has been disabled
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 15, 2021:

  1. Two small identified bugs have been fixed.
  2. Ability to search using SKU code is also implemented.
  3. Waqar Sb. will send some text modifications that need to done. Once, we receive these, we will modify the text accordingly.
  4. Waqar Sb. and their team will continue to test the chatbot for load testing.
  5. We are still waiting for Kashif to send us the Antlere APIs to start the integration.
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 16, 2021:

  1. Testing on Sapphire staging is done and things are working fine. As a next step, we will connect the main Sapphire (production) shopify for testing until we hear back from Antlere from integration.
  2. Once, the testing on Sapphire production shopify is done and Antlere integration is also done, we will put the chatbot on official sapphire Facebook page and website.
  3. CloudKibo team will modify the chatbot response as per the Sapphire suggestion.
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 17, 2021:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 19, 2021:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 24, 2021


Discussion & Action Items:

sojharo commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - February 25, 2021


Discussion & Action Items:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - March 01, 2021:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - March 03, 2021:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - March 04, 2021:

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

Meeting minutes - April 15, 2021: