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Test UI for each channel separately, messenger, sms and whatsapp #11540

Open sojharo opened 3 years ago

sojharo commented 3 years ago

This task is to create and test UI for three separate accounts each for:

  1. Messenger
  2. WhatsApp
  3. Sms

channels. Also, make sure that features related to one channel solely should not appear in another channel UI.

ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I have tested the messenger and sms channel and found the following issues:


  1. If a plan is free, then it should say FREE in price column. #11510
  2. next button show loader when it is waiting for the response from server. #11510
  3. Server is not sending response on clicking next button on billing info step. #11512
  4. On billing info page, we should show a note that says we will charge you once your trial period has ended. #11448
  5. It should show already added card option as well. #11510


  1. There is an unnecessary save button on billing info page. #11448
  2. After clicking on finish page no data is being shown and after refresh it again ask to configure the platform. #11451
ImranBinShoukat commented 3 years ago

I further tested the messenger channel by creating the new account and found these two bugs:

  1. Getting sentry errors after new sign up #11551
  2. After connecting facebook account, it is not redirecting the user back to configuration wizard to connect facebook pages #11518