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Investigate Amazon Alexa for SSA chat bot #4889

Open ImranBinShoukat opened 5 years ago

jekram commented 5 years ago

What we want is a short analysis on DemoFlow on the support of Alexa. This is a review of capability only

sojharo commented 5 years ago

I tried working on Alexa for a sample bot. Dialogflow is exporting the old version of zip file which Alexa doesn't support now. Also the guide of Dialogflow is very old and all of the UI of amazon developer dashboard is changed now.

However, I was able to manually create the sample bot for testing. I added the intents and entities (called Slots in alexa). Here are the screenshots:

screenshot 2019-01-27 at 4 11 46 pm

screenshot 2019-01-27 at 4 12 22 pm

However, when I tried to test the Alexa skill that I created. It asked me to install the Alexa app and it can't be tested on my laptop.

screenshot 2019-01-27 at 4 11 25 pm

My current android device is not supporting the Amazon Alexa App. When I tried installing it, it gave me the following message. Could anyone please try installing the app in his device and then we would try testing the bot in that phone?

screenshot 2019-01-27 at 4 13 46 pm

Please install the Alexa app from here:

For iOS:

ImranBinShoukat commented 5 years ago

@sojharo I have installed the Alexa on my Android device.

sojharo commented 5 years ago

I tried again yesterday on Alexa and went through documents. But it is still not working. Let's block this issue for now.

sojharo commented 5 years ago

Should I try this again?