Cloudkibo / KiboPush

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Investigate and join Facebook Pakistani Startup Groups #9580

Open sojharo opened 4 years ago

sojharo commented 4 years ago

This task is to investigate and join pakistani facebook startup groups so that we can market our product in those groups.

Tehseen has shared on such group on whatsapp. I will locate that and add it here in the list as well.

sojharo commented 4 years ago

I have investigated the groups that we should join for marketing. I think we should divide the groups among team so that we can focus on replying to people as well. I will come up with strategy as next step.

(women entreprenuers groups)

sojharo commented 4 years ago

Here is the plan for joining and doing marketing in business groups on Facebook listed above.

First of all, here is the group distribution for our team members. Each member will post in and take care of designated groups. However, everyone will join all the groups to support each other's posts by commenting on them.

Anisha and Sania

(Connected Women Pakistan) (ladies only group) (Business Ideas Express) (Women Entrepreneurs) (ladies only group) (Startups Pakistan)


(Small Business Ideas Pakistan) (Internet Marketing Pakistan) (Digital Marketing Pakistan)

Sojharo & Baqar

(Entrepreneur Lounge Pakistan) (Tech Geeks Pakistan) (Pakistan Startups) (Extreme Commerce)

Here is the weekly strategy:

Week 1:

  1. Join all the groups above (some group may take couple of days to approve your membership)
  2. For one week, read posts of other people in your designated group and comment on them to increase involvement
  3. Like people's useful comments and posts to show involvement

Week 2:

  1. Strike conversations around chatbot topic 1.1 Put a survey post like (Do you use chatbots for your business? options: yes, no, what is chatbot) 1.2 Put a survey post like (Do you use messenger marketing for your business? options: yes, no, what is this) 1.3 Ask a question like (Where do your customers mostly contact your business? On Whatsapp or Messenger)
  2. Reply to people's comments
  3. Keep the people engaged by liking their comments and replies
  4. Everyone of us will also comment or like on this post so that it increases reach and engagement

Week 3:

  1. Introduce KiboPush with intent to get feedback
  2. We will not post in a way which looks like we are doing marketing. But we should post to get people's opinion and feedback about our product.
  3. This way our post will not be considered as spam.
  4. Also, continuously engage with people by replying to their comments and feedback
  5. Everyone of us will comment and reply to these posts

Here are few of the sample posts that we should do in this week.


Dear Friends,

I am looking for a positive and professional feedback from business usage point of view on our Chatbot and Messenger Marketing app that we have been building. It is a platform to create Messenger Marketing and Messenger Chatbots, Whatsapp Chatbots and SMS chat. Please let me know if our marketing site conveys the message properly about what we do. Also, any other feedback on what other features we should add will be really helpful. This is our effort to create a Pakistani chatbot platform.

Please visit our marketing site:

Thank you.


Hi Friends,

We have been working hard to introduce a Pakistani Chatbot platform. I want your positive feedback on our product and also suggestions on how we can improve it. Also, if you think there are any features that are missing please let me know. I would be happy if this product proves to be helpful for any of businesses here.

Please visit our marketing site to provide your valuable feedback:

Thank you for your valuable time.

Other Improvements

Our website is completely silent about our whatsapp and sms features. I think we should talk about whatsapp feature on our marketing site. We need to discuss this on how we are going to do marketing of whatsapp.

AnishaChhatwani commented 4 years ago

I've joined the groups mentioned above

arveenkumar55 commented 4 years ago

I have tried to join three groups. Two groups are successfully joined and one is pending review.

sojharo commented 4 years ago

please join all groups listed above

bjafri5 commented 4 years ago

I've joined all the groups listed above

sojharo commented 4 years ago

Has anyone followed the week 1? I had message on general channel for instructions.

Please update here.

@AnishaChhatwani @saniasiddiqui @bjafri5 @arveenkumar55

If we are not going to spend 10 minutes on this marketing task, then the purpose of this issue will fail.