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Daily Task Update #382

Open dayemsiddiqui opened 7 years ago

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago


Status Update:

Investigated the jest testing framework for react. I was able to successfully run the sample app. I was following this article for learning which also includes the sample code:

This article mentions a framework named Enzyme, the next step is to explore the framework as it allows us to test entire component of react at once, plus the knowledge gained from this would also be useful for writing test for react native as it can also be tested using the same framework i.e (Jest and Enzyme).


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Integrated Mocha with KiboEngage and wrote a test case of an api call.

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

KiboEngageMobile Completed the logic for displaying the file attachment whenever a new message is received. KiboEngageTest: I have successfully setup a basic python flask server on the droplet which I will be using to serve the html reports generated by the test.

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Completed the download logic for the Facebook chat, however there are a couple of bugs that I am trying to resolve which are still present.

jekram commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the update

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

@jekram I have completed the work on Python flask server for the KiboEngage Testing Portal: Here is the final output:

test-platform1 testing-platform2

Currently the portal is running on my local machine, next step is to deploy this code to the DigitalOcean server after which any team member can access and use the portal. From there on all the basic configuration would be complete and I will just need to add new test use cases every week.

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Clicking on view report opens up this report in the new tab:


jekram commented 7 years ago

@dayemsiddiqui Thanks

Please deploy on the server and create a indtuction on how to run this

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Completed work on this issue UI to show image file in Chat List uploaded by Agent #193

will create a pull request in a while

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Successfully deployed the testing portal on the server. Here is the url for it

jekram commented 7 years ago


Please see the error below

screen shot 2017-04-09 at 5 07 40 pm
dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

@jekram this is not a bug in the application, the report is actually showing that this specific test of (Login Api has failed) (I have intentionally made this test to fail for demo purposes as I havent coded the test yet)

jekram commented 7 years ago

Ok. Please start loading the test

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Completed the logic to download files on Android and fixed all the bugs. Pull request has been created.

jekram commented 7 years ago

Thnaks for the update

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Completed work on Fetch and display chat message when a push notification is received #131

Worked on Logic for File Transfer #49 wrote the actions for uploading and downloading file, the work on this issue is not complete, there seem to be some permission issue on android 6.0 which I am trying to fix

Next step is to add three new test cases in the testing portal for testing login and chat related api.

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Wrote the test for Login Api and also wrote the test for Invite Agent Component, will deploy the latest tests on the server in a while

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Status Update:

Worked on the permission bug while uploading file in android 6.0, the problem seem to be in the path of the file, right now the document picker library returns the resource uri of the file while the React Native fetch blob library requires an absolute path, I tried using this library for converting URI to absolute path, but it is also giving permission error, I need to somehow get the absolute path of the file that needs to be uploaded, I am trying different things but once I get the absolute path the issue would be resolved.

Also integrated the Progress bar library in our app in order to show the progress of the file being uploaded or downloaded in our app

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Finally fixed the file upload bug in android, actually the document picker library we were using was giving the content resource uri instead of the actual path, which was causing permission error I am now using this library to pick file instead of the document picker library, it returns the correct path and now the files are successfully being uploaded to the server. Will create the pull request in a while.

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Progress Bar to Show Upload/Download Progress of a File in Chat Session #226

dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Reports Module for KiboEngage Mobile #45 Progress Bar to Show Upload/Download Progress of a File in FB Chat Session #227

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Modification in UI of FB Chat Session Page #238

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Play video inside Facebook Chat similar to FB Messenger #244 Reports Module for KiboEngage Mobile #45 Design Document for Facebook Integration with Agents/Team Assignments (For discussion) #233

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Reports Module for KiboEngage Mobile #45 Resolve Chat Session Functionality in Facebook Chat Session #237 Assign Session to Agent - Facebook Chat Session #234

jekram commented 7 years ago


dayemsiddiqui commented 7 years ago

Assign Session to Agent - Facebook Chat Session #234 Resolve Chat Session Functionality in Facebook Chat Session #237 Display Location sent by Facebook consumer #253 Assigned Session to Team in Facebook Chat Session#239 Reports Module for KiboEngage Mobile #45