Cloudkibo / iOS

iOS Code
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Failed to download Group icon #512

Closed sumairasaeed closed 7 years ago

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

App failed to download Group icon.

jekram commented 7 years ago

why is this broken?

we had close this issue here:

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Yes sir. This got broken due to updating Alamofire networking library.

jekram commented 7 years ago

If this got broken in updating Alamofire library - then question is how did we tested the upgrade to Alamofire library? We cannot open task close them and not test them?

I understand this was the victium of Amalofire library upgrade - the only question is how did we tested the upgrade?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Spent lot of time on debugging this. I found in papertrail logs its giving some error on server side. I am unable to comprehend this server-side error. Here is screenshot:

screen shot 2017-02-22 at 2 20 51 pm

Today @sojharo is busy with interviews of interns. Will work with him tomorrow to debug and comprehend what this server-side log says. Working on next issue now.

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

This issue has been fixed. Push to test flight is in progress. Will mark it resolved once it is available on test flight