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Unable to receive device token on App Review #641

Closed sumairasaeed closed 7 years ago

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

On App Review, the issue is reported that the app was unable to logic as facebook Account kit verification code required for login was not received.

jekram commented 7 years ago

I do not understand this - please explain

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Sir, we had submitted app to Apple store. It was reviewed and after review they have sent a message that they didnot receive login code on their phone. The code which is sent on installation. This task is to look into that bug

jekram commented 7 years ago

so this task is blocking our deployment on app store?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Yes sir

jekram commented 7 years ago

what broke this ?

jekram commented 7 years ago

If this is blocking to publish our app why we are not working on this first?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

We have not made any change in this area. Need to look into this. Added this task in today's deck on priority.

jekram commented 7 years ago

Things do not break by them self :-)

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Worked on this to debug the issue. Tried lot to reproduce the issue. It always sent token if we enter correct data. However I found that if the number format entered is wrong so the code is not sent. Example here in pakistan we dial "03331234567" and call is connected. However , complete number with country code is "+923331234567" . So our app demands that we select country code and enter remianing number in "Number" field.

Example: First field will have "+92" selected from list Next field should be "3331234567" and NOT "03331234567". If we enter starting with zero (as we do normally when calling) so it will not send token.

This way I was able to reproduce the issue. I have responded to Apple's email , asking them the clarification of number format they were entering.

jekram commented 7 years ago

always send me screen shots

are you saying this is not working for US?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

No sir. It works fine if the number entered is correct. image

jekram commented 7 years ago

why do you think they are entering 1 as part of the number?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Issue is not reproduced if we enter correct number. I also upgraded my phone to iOS 10.3.2 same as reported by Apple and tested again using IBA Wifi and also using Zong device. Still issue is not reproduced. I remember that sometimes there is delay in receiving code. Have read up more on Facebook AccountKit SDK. There thay say that :

"In majority of the cases, SMS delivery will arrive within a few seconds. In some other cases, an SMS could be delayed due to routing issues or regional issues in the end users' locale."

App is successfully submitted to test flight. Issue is in submitting to Apple store.

After upgrading my iphone, now unable to build project from Xcode. I will have to upgrade my Xcode. Currently i tested app by downloading from Test Flight.

screen shot 2017-06-02 at 10 43 54 am
jekram commented 7 years ago

what version of xcode we are running and what is the current version of xcode?

is this a warning or an error

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Current Xcode version is Version 8.2.1 . It does not support iOS version above 10.2 . We will not be able to build app on one of our devices as it has been upgraded to iOS 10.2.3 . We can still build on another iOS device as it has older iOS version.

jekram commented 7 years ago

Did we not upgraded the Xcode in Jan / Feb to pick up new libraries?

How old is 8.3.1?

jekram commented 7 years ago

we need to go from Xcode 8.2.1 to 8.3.2

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Okay sir. Xcode 8.3.2 was released in April 2017 .

jekram commented 7 years ago

when did we last upgraded the xcode?

I hope you know how to upgrade Xcode and is not a major effort?

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Sir, Xcode will require us to upgrade our Mac OSas well. Xcode requires macOS 10.12.4 . Currently we have Mac OS 10.11.5 . Also, Mac currently has low memory storage. Will have to clean up Mac to make space to upgrade our Mac OS first. After that we will go to upgrade Xcode to 8.3.2 .

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

The issue with upgrading Xcode is that we if internet disturbs in between, it restarts whole upgrade from initial 0% . Thats why it takes longer.

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Had received response of email from Apple. They have successfully received device token. However, they have asked for few things. They have asked to include privacy policy document link into our app and add some extra permission strings. I have added these into app. Push is in progress.

sumairasaeed commented 7 years ago

Our app review was successful. App is now available on App store. We can close this task

jekram commented 7 years ago
