Cloudperry / the-witness-puzzle-maker

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Peer review #2 #2

Closed ronituohino closed 1 year ago

ronituohino commented 1 year ago

Hello @Cloudperry!

I was excited to open your project since I've played The Witness before. This was a cool opportunity to see some Nim, since I've only heard of it previously!


I am using Zorin OS (Ubuntu clone) and the latest Nim installation according to your guide.
It seems to be working!

I downloaded the project on the 13th of October at 11:18.

I used the latest git commit 9be1573.


What did I do?


Setup was really smooth and running the program went quite well.

The main problem right now (even though you've done a lot) is that there isn't much functionality.

Personally, to avoid a crunch, I would cut some stuff out to focus on the most important features in terms of the course for now:


I was unable to find parts which to criticise taking into consideration the previous peer review.


The code is really good! However, the current state of the app is really unfinished: I hope that you can get at least some functionality done before the end of the course. Good luck!

Cloudperry commented 1 year ago

Hello. Very nice to have someone who knows The witness review this project.

The main problem right now (even though you've done a lot) is that there isn't much functionality.
Personally, to avoid a crunch, I would cut some stuff out to focus on the most important features in terms of the course for now:

  • leave the editor in the shadow and focus on the game and checking algorithms
  • implement the most interesting tiles like Squares and Blocks, but forget about stuff like Jacks

Yeah as soon as I wrote some helper functions in levels.nim, making levels in code was pretty easy. After that I decided to cut the editor for now. I think I will try to do all the puzzle symbols, except for maybe the hollow blocks. That is because I'm not sure if Knuth's algorithm X will work for those. Jacks will be easy to implement. I have already done some basic player line logic and levels with only hexagons work already (not pushed to git yet).

The code is really good! However, the current state of the app is really unfinished: I hope that you can get at least some functionality done before the end of the course. Good luck!

Thanks! I think I'll get every symbol other than blocks implemented pretty quickly, because I have planned the implementation quite far already. Somehow I always choose a gigantic project and get into crunch territory a bit like happened on my last course project. :D