Cloudslab / cloudsim

CloudSim: A Framework For Modeling And Simulation Of Cloud Computing Infrastructures And Services
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Feature Request: Programmable Switch Simulation #142

Open magaboomchen opened 4 years ago

magaboomchen commented 4 years ago

Dear cloudsim team: I'm searching a comprehensive and excellent cloud management simulator. I think cloudsim is a good one. And I think it should support the most promising next generation network device such as Programmable Switch/NIC, especially P4 switch. P4 switch can provide many network functions other than routing, such as firewall, NAT, traffic shaper, monitor, load balance. I think cloudsim can support such type of device and network functions. For example, cloudsim can simulate the behavior of a P4 switch such as packet loss due to traffic shaper policy. After each simulation, the cloudsim can report the "resource utilizatioin vs. time", "packet drop rate vs. time", "processing delay vs. time" of each P4 switch. I think if cloudsim can add these features, it will gain even more clout.

hetianzhang commented 4 years ago


It is a good idea. You can extend the CloudSimSDN-NFV to implement these functions by extending the VNF feature.